Saturday, July 15, 2023

Secret Habbad Meeting

 Secret Habbad Meeting

Andrew was walking home and there was a Habbad synagogue on the route he walked home from.  He saw six white adult males waiting outside the synagogue gated fence.  This was most unusual because they were not dressed in Jewish clothing.  Andrew asked the men if they were waiting for a meeting at that synagogue which he pointed to.  They said there was a community meeting.  Andrew asked them why they were going to a community meeting at that synagogue but not dressed in orthodox Jewish clothing.  They said because they were not Jews.  Andrew said he would like to know what the community meeting in which none Jews are invited is in case he would like to come.  They gave him an intimidating scary and angry look and said it is a closed community meeting and you can not come.   Instead of asking further details into what the nature of this secret closed community meeting is, Andrew left rather than risk the consequences of angry men punishing him for trying to know the secret.  Can there even be a "community" meeting that is closed to the community?  Can it be a community meeting if it is secret from the community?  Why would a peaceful interfaith meeting with no nefarious intention to outsiders be closed from most people of other faiths except a select few henchmen?

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