Thursday, July 6, 2023

Math Death Squad 1

 Officer Kunta Kinte said, "Open up, math death squad"

After no response he kicked the door down

He pointed his gun at Toby and said, "What is 3 times 3?"

Toby said, "I do not need to answer that I have a college degree."

Bang, bang, bang, bang, thud

Kunta Kinte shot Toby in both hands then both knees

Toby fell to the floor

Kunta Kinte said, "What is 3 times 3?"

Toby said 7

Toby tried to reach for his gun on his right hip but found it to difficult to do in this position especially with his gun shot hands.  He tried to push himself off the floor so he could better reach his gun which was intensely painful to do with gunshot hands.

Kunta Kinte kicked him in the chest as he tried to get back up.knocking him back on the ground.

Kunta Kinte then shot him with a taser  which he could have done first but chose not to.

Other officers all black surrounded Toby and tied him up

They then put him on a gurney to wheel him off to the mathematical re education detention center

How could this have happened?

The first cis gender woman president was elected president of the United States and she was also black

She did not want to run but knew there was no other way to prevent another holodomor with mass starvation

She knew this because she was a descendant of a very famous black economist who graduated with a PhD from an Ivy league school but who was mocked for siding with the unpopular political parties instead of the popular political party

She decided to become a compulsive liar and always say what was popular when in public while telling the truth in private when talking to her family members so as not to repeat her ancestors mistake of telling the truth to the public and in doing so losing political potential.

She ran for the most popular political party and promised free stuff for women and reparations for black people

After getting elected she immediately changed policies creating the mass death squad in order to prevent another holodomor.  She also changed the laws so that women could not vote but they could run for and be in political offices if elected to them by men.

The math death squad would round people up and put them in camps to force them to learn math if they could not answer basic math questions.  If they refused to practice math they would be executed.  

If they deemed them to stupid to learn math do to a brain disorder they were allowed to leave the camp but forbidden from voting, driving, or holding political office as well as many other privileges.  If ruled to have such a brain disorder any biological or adopted children they have were confiscated from them and no longer in their custody and it was a rule that if they had any future biological children they would be removed from their custody.  They were put in a gender segregated mental hospital and care center for life unless they could recover from the brain disorder.

If they deemed them capable of learning math they would not be allowed to leave the math camp until they learned a certain level of math.  If they refused to learn math and were not ruled to have a brain disorder they would be executed if they refused to practice math and have not achieved math competency.

Their children were removed from their custody and assigned other caregivers until they could learn basic math proficiency.  After achieving math proficiency their children would return to their custody if they proved economically able to support them.

People without brain disorder likewise were not allowed to vote or many other privileges until they achieved math proficiency, regardless of age or educational degrees and certificates

She did keep her promise of reparations.  Whenever someone was executed their money was put in a reparations fund.  This money was then given to black people with ancestors born in the United States during or prior to Jim Crow laws who  proved to be mathematically competent and did not have to go to math camps or who passed the math camp curriculum.  Black people whose ancestors were never enslaved in the United States and who never lived through Jim Crow such as African immigrants to the United States were not given any reparations.

Each of the black people who survived to get reparation funds became so wealthy they would have had the equivalent of more than 151 million dollars in 2019 money which was a far larger number of dollars in the current year of math death squad.

Some people complained that math death squad were racist because they were rounding up a higher percentage of black people.

The math death squad was not racist they would round up people of any race who were adults that have not achieved basic math competency.

Madam president ordered that any White Male people that protested about the Math Death Squad being racist against black people or taking away the women's right to vote were to be executed but protestors of other races as well as cis gender women were not to be executed but merely ignored as long as their protests were not violent.  All violent protesters however were to be executed on the spot regardless of race or gender.

The crime rate dropped to a record low.  After Math Death Squad starvation or worldwide hunger stopped, worldwide peace was achieved ending all wars.  

No one ever died of cancer again as it was found cancer can merely be cut out of the body if detected early enough and the resources were achieved to detect it early enough.  

As a result of the better policies people voted for after math death squad after many decades HIV AIDS was removed from the world as those with aids were deported into colonies in her regime.  Eventually after enough time all those in colonies died or were cured and they did not spread it outside the colonies being quarantined.  She devoted all HIV AIDS resources to bone marrow transplants and found a very difficult and painful way to cure HIV AIDS in some individuals through special bone marrow donors who were a small percent of the population with immunity to HIV AIDS.

Racism ended after math death squad.  People stopped blaming people of other races for the crime because those who survived math death squad no longer committed crimes being smart enough to know better, being able to think about the consequences of their action with mathematical reason.  There was also no reason to commit crimes for economic reasons since everyone became super wealthy when people who did not know basic math were prohibited from voting.  People also realized how stupid racism was upon being mathematically enlightened that hating someone who wants to be kind to you just because of their race is stupid and treating someone kind who is trying to murder you just because of their race is suicidal.


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