Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Next Coming of Jesus

 Title: The next coming of Jesus

Jesus might have manifested in bodily form when YHWH visited Abraham and was served Goat meat and Goat milk in Genesis 18 as well as other times in the old testament that theologians call theophanies

The first coming of Jesus in the New Testament was when he was born of the virgin Mary

One could call the second coming of Jesus was when he rose from the dead and appeared bodily to his disciples

And call the third coming of Jesus was when he destroyed the temple in 70 AD

What theologians often call the second coming of Jesus might be the fourth coming of Jesus or some other number.  But shall simply be called the next coming of Jesus for the title of the story.

This is a fiction story that is inspired by the Bible but does not match the Bible perfectly

Pastor Hatfield Magee was preaching a sermon which went as follows

Jews look forward to the first coming of their Messiah and when their Messiah comes he will be the second coming of our Messiah.  Every Christian should do whatever the Jewish Messiah says to do and if they do not do as he says they are not true Christians and will go to Hell.  God has ordained that we give Israel money.  But some so called Christians like Judas have betrayed Jesus Christ by refusing to give Israel money and protecting the evil Palestinians who are the descendants of the Philistines who were the enemy of Israel.  The Palestinians are Amalek who God has commanded Israel to eliminate.  We must do all to support the Israeli military with our money and to supply them weapons so they can wipe out Amalek from the face of the earth.  We must give Israel money to build a second temple.  When the Jewish Messiah comes he will sacrifice a lamb on the temple.  At the time of the Messiah Gentiles will ask Jews to teach them, and they must obey everything the Jews command them to do or they will be cursed in this life for not blessing Israel and condemned in the next life to eternal hell fire.

Pastor Hatfield Magee's Sermon was interrupted.

Now Pastor Hatfield Magee loved to watch himself speak and had a TV in front of him displaying himself live with the volume turned off to prevent a feedback loop.  Somehow the TV started displaying someone other than him and it's volume turned on and Pastor Hatfield Magee's microphone stopped working.

A live broadcast appeared on all television stations in the world and all TVs that were off turned on, even those that were unplugged to display a picture and or sound.  Other electronic devices did likewise radios, computers, cell phones and so on.  The image was captioned so the deaf could understand it.

A man with a very large womanly chest and broad shoulders was standing on the dome of the rock of the temple.  He she was standing on a single toe without falling off, and swung a lamb in the air over his head as though it was as light as a kapparot chicken or rooster, breaking the lambs neck.  This was not good balance and natural strength but defied the laws of physics.

The highest Rabbinical Authorites have declared this man woman to be the Jewish Messiah.  The pope has declared that if he she is the Jewish Messiah he she must also be the Christian Messiah.

Now this man woman gave a speech.

I am the embodiment of the people of Israel both men and women.  I am the Messiah, who suffered through the holocaust in fulfillment of Isaiah 52 and 53. and now I unite my Israeli children and draw my tent curtains wide as in Isaiah 54.

I have united the Mysterious feminine Babylonian emanation of Shekinah or the Babylonian Talmud spoken of in Revelation and the male emanation of Shekinah in a single body.  I have female souls and male souls, but unlike Goyish men my souls are exalted and not beastly.

Having united masculine and feminine I have healed the world and speak as the direct mouthpiece of Hashem.

Pastor Hatfield Magee has done the greatest work a goy servant can do.  He has helped exterminate all those who are not loyal to Israel outside the borders of Israel with his zionism.  As such he shall be the first goy to receive the Mark of my blessing.

Now the enemy has invaded Israel there are Palestinians and traitors that have called themselves Messianic Jews before my coming, who have worshipped a man on a cross, a counterfeit Messiah who has not fulfilled the suffering as we have in the holocaust, and yet has blasphemously and falsely been called the suffering servant, when no one in the history of the world has suffered like the Jewish people in the holocaust.

Pastor Hatfiled Magee shall be my light, messenger and moutpiece to the goyim.  Tell them what they must do Pastor Hatfield Magee.

Suddenly the live presentation on the TV switched focus from the temple in Israel to Pastor Hatfield Magee's pulpit for the whole world to see by some supernatural power.

Now Russia was the last home of the Christians except for Palestinian Christians and Messianic Jewish Christians in Palestine as the rest of the World starting with Europe was completely Jewish and Muslim by this time.  And all the Christians in Russia were zionist as Hatfield Magee ordered the execution of people who call themselves Christian but do not support the State of Israel throughout the gentile lands.

Pastor Hatfield Magee having seen and heard the words of the Jewish Messiah said the following  

We need to send Christian troops from Russia to save the Jews from the Palestinian invaders in the last minute, as it is written in scripture an army will invade Israel but God will save the Jews God's chosen people in the last minute.  Wipe out every Messianic Jew and every Palestinian from the face of Israel, make their deaths cruel, slowly burn them to death while alive if possible but incinerate them before they can move if they are able to fight back.

And so from Magog Russia the army of Zionists who call themselves Christians went to march against God's chosen people the Messianic Jewish Christians and the Palestinian Christians who were the true descendants of Jacob known as Israel and the true keepers of the faith.

At that Jesus Christ came and stopped the Jewish Messiah who was the Antichrist and the Antichrist's army of zionist so called Christians.

He rescued the Palestinian Christians and Messianic Jewish Christians and all Gentile Christians who did not bow the knee to the Satanic Zionist Jewish Anti Messiah.

He threw the zionist so called Christians and the Jews who worshipped the fake messiah into ever lasting fire.  But took the Messianic Christian Jews and Palestinian Christians and Gentile Christians who did not bow their knee to the zionist fake messiah, to their reward in the new heavens and the new earth in paradise.

The End

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