Friday, September 8, 2023

Part 1 Brain Control Parasites vs Bugs and Humans



Brain Control Parasites versus Bugs and Humans Part 1

There was a child named Gill Bates who went to a private super villain school for future tyrants and dictators.  Now there were two primary types of students.  There were students with rich politically connected parents who were already super villains such as government officials, high level bankers, corporate officials and corrupt clergy.  Then there were students whose parents could not afford the school but get their tuition paid for in reward for the parents and children obeying the students with rich parents who would pay the other students tuition.

Gill Bates was a physically and mentally weak man due to his laziness.  How would such a lazy man get by in such a difficult school?  Easy, he would pay other students to be a part of his gang who could beat up people who were much stronger, smarter and more hard working than him.  Gill Bates had the richest parents of anyone in the school and therefore the best gang or so it seemed.

Gill Bates would enjoy using his power to make other people suffer and make them eat bugs.  But one day a student stood up to him and said, "No, I will not do it even if you hire an entire gang to beat me up."  

Gill Bates ordered them to circle around him and beat him up and they would have easily won in a group fight against a single person but he managed to slip out and put obstacles between himself and the crowd then get into a narrow space between a tall wooden fence and a building so that people could not surround him.  This was a very risky move but fortunately Gill Bates' bodyguards did not think the solution through and instead tried to slide through one at a time to fight him and he broke their elbows and knees, kicked them in the groin and hit them so hard in the head they got knocked out.  They then decided to keep some people where they were and have other people circle around to close off the other exit but he heard their plan and ran out the other exit before they could circle around the building to get through to him.  They chased after him but he deliberately ran into traffic barely missing getting hit by cars while the other students either had to stop chasing him or got into accidents.  Gill Bates then picked up his phone and made a call.  This student was picked up in a van by adults with guns and was never seen again.  But unfortunately for Gill Bates people thought the student got away with it.  

Now these rich parents of the students went on exhibitions for research and fun to exotic lands as tourists, visitors, explorers, anthropologists, archeologists, entomologists and linguists.  One of the places they visited had a tribe of people who would eat exotic arthropods or bugs never seen anywhere else in the world before.  

Some people claimed they ate such a diet because they were technologically poor due to racist imperialist colonists invading their lands.  But that could never explain why their technology was not as good as the imperialist colonists leading to the victory of the imperialist colonists.  It was claimed that they used to have an advanced agricultural and military society with impressive pyramid temples which had golden items used in elaborate religious rituals involving human sacrifices to prevent the end of the world.  Even though they built magnificent buildings and were able to produce vast amounts of food in their ancient past, they were now eating bugs in a jungle nearby the location of the old temple.

Even though these exotic bugs were never seen anywhere else in the world, they existed in massive numbers in this community that essentially farmed them as a primary food supply or at least as the only food supply the explorers saw them eat.  Oddly enough they would hunt other animals and then feed them to these exotic bugs only to later eat the bugs instead of eating the animals directly. Large piles of human skeletons were found in the jungle and the rich parents assumed they did not have an underground graveyard and had to put the deceased people somewhere but gold items were found near the bones similar to the gold items used in temple rituals.

The rich parents were given some of the bugs as a gift.  Originally they offered to feed them the bugs but they declined.  When asked why they do not eat the animals they are feeding to the bugs, the tribe's people said the bugs were more nutritious and delicious and that they had special medicinal properties.  They said if you will not eat the bugs here then you should at least take them as a sign of our friendship and start a bug farm in your own land so you can use them for medicine, after all it is better to take live bugs and farm then to have a one time meal and never eat them again, especially since the medicine could help more people that way and since the medicine does not take full effect until after many meals.

One of the entomologist's parents took them with him and put some of them on a display in a glass terrarium in the school which looked like an aquarium but with dirt on the bottom instead of being full of water.  They happened to occur the day after the incident.  During recess the students upon seeing what happened yesterday decided to get back at Gill Bates for making them eat bugs and took some of the bugs in the terrarium and forced Gill Bates to eat them.

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