Friday, August 4, 2023

Smoke Box


Smoke Box


Steve walked to the library to return books in the book drop and check out some other books.  He saw on the glass door a note that some library event today was cancelled due to air quality that day then he suddenly smelled bad air like something was burning.  He could still return books and check out some more books so that event cancellation did not concern him.

Later that day Steve walked to a grocery store which was a big chain grocery store and again he smelled that smell.  But he did not smell that smell anywhere else in that neighborhood

On other days Steve would walk at nights and hear a sound like an air conditioning fan or humidifier was running near businesses that should be closed at night with no people to keep cool because the business is closed.  Why would they need to waste money to run air conditioning when no one was there and was air conditioning or a humidifier the real reason for the fan sound?

Steve noticed when he would hear this sound near corporate and government buildings he would smell the smoke smell but he did not smell it most of the other places most of the other time.  He also sometimes smelled it however when near evergreen shrubs or bushes with pine cone needle shaped leaves.  

Supposedly there was a big forest fire in a far away land with lots of evergreen and maple trees leading to bad air quality.  

He wondered in his imagination however if some sort of corporate government partnership occurred to have some sort of smoke boxes or gas emitting boxes at strategic locations to create this smell to see if they could get people to believe corporate and government news stories about bad air and the necessity of being locked down in your house.

If they could use these machines and news stories any time they want to get people to believe there is a real bad air quality event then they could use the news and smoke smell generators to lock people in their houses or apartments any time they want to control the population.  

They would combine the smell generation at high foot traffic areas with news stories about bad air quality at the same time until people believe the news stories are trustworthy based on experiencing the smell when they hear the news story.  

Eventually after doing this enough times they could then simply put a news story that the air quality is so bad you can not safely leave your house and people would eventually stay in their house without even checking if they can smell the smoke especially with the right government and corporate policies.

More over, although they can smell the smoke this time, next time they can say it is a odorless poisonous gas that supposedly kills slowly instead of instantly.  By doing this no one can refute it by saying if it is real how come I can not smell it or if it is real how come I am not instantly dead having stepped outside or if it is real how come there are people walking around outside who are not instantly dead? 

There are many types of perfumes and smells corporations have experimented with for years.  Although one might think smoke being emitted from a single source in a large quantity would be visible.  Much corporate research has been done to see which chemicals people are more or less sensitive to smelling.  Someone could simply choose a chemical which produces a stronger smell stimulus with less molecules or mass or that is more difficult to see with the eyes for the same amount of mass or number of molecules

Steve thought he smelled the smell near the evergreens because the smell was meant to be similar to burning evergreens to match the current story.

Steve had a friend who was a meteorologist who did not believe Steve's imaginative speculation of possibilities when he told them this scenario.  The meteorologist friend said they could not fake that because they could not build a large enough smoke machine to produce a smoke smell over an entire city.

Steve asked could they have one to produce the smell near a single building instead of over an entire city however?  His friend said yes

Steve's meteorologist friend was not understanding what he was saying the first time or did not want to understand what he said.  Steve was not speculating there was a single giant smoke machine to cover the entire city but multiple small sized smoke machines at the most high foot traffic locations like popular businesses, restaurants, grocery stores, government buildings, post offices and libraries.

They would not necessarily be smoke machines but could emit some other gas that is colorless and much more difficult to see then smoke with a stronger smell per mass and or per number of molecules then smoke so that it would be more difficult to see it's emission source with the human eye

Now it would not even necessarily have to be some chemical substitute for smoke  but real smoke could also be used and still have it's source hidden.  Although sometimes you can see smoke from a barbecue grill under certain circumstances, that smoke can also be smelled from a great distance without being seen.  

Smoke is sometimes easily visible near the source before it spreads out but sometimes no longer easily visible far away from the source once it has spread out more.  All they would have to do is put the source of emission where all the locations where it can be seen from would violate trespassing laws to go to. Large buildings might have plenty of locations for this to be done from where the smoke could be smelled but not seen especially during the hours the buildings are closed.

There are also many chimneys in buildings where it would be normal to see smoke from. People in some certain locations could also be instructed to use their chimneys simultaneously at strategic times to make the air smell like smoke when the news story rolls in. 

 Although car emissions are supposed to be regulated government and corporations could intentionally create cars that emit extra smelly exhaust that people will mistake as bad air quality from some other source and have people assigned to drive them around.

But this was just Steve's imaginative speculation.  Other people who talked to Steve have speculated that rich people in government and corporate positions intentionally let fires happen to seize land at cheap prices and to kick people out of their property making them depending on the government and to create real air pollution to justify locking down people to protect them from the pollution they created in order to enslave people through lock downs.  But that is just their crazy imaginative speculation.

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