Friday, August 18, 2023

Body Swap Weight Loss

 Body Swap Weight Loss


Windy Marie had the ability to switch bodies with people.  Whether it was Windy's magic witchcraft or Marie's mad science that she used to switch bodies does not matter.

Windy really liked Matthew but Matthew was dating his fiancee Sabrina.

Windy was morbidly obese.  Her diet consisted of whole milk and dairy products without any fat reduction such as cream, butter, cheese, cream cheese and ice cream as well as margarine, fried foods, fried french toast, french fries, breaded and fried vegetables and  breaded and fried,meat, and fatty meat products not lean meat product and deserts such as cake, cookies, and sugary candy.  She avoided any vegetable that was not covered in cheese, margarine or butter or fried in fatty oil.  She did eat fruit sometimes like deep fried bananas or cherries on top of ice cream.  When eating eggs she would separate the fatty yolk that she liked from the egg whites and throw away the egg whites.  

Windy would order pizza with extra meat ( and not the lean kind of meat ) and extra cheese.  She would cut out the crust and then unwrap individual slices of processed cheese containing products with artificial ingredients from their plastic packets which she would wrap around the crust like a blanket and put in the microwave to melt the extra cheese around the crust.  After taking out the crust with melted cheese from the microwave she would put it on a plate with the rest of her pizza or sometimes put it on top of the pizza already inside the box using the box instead of a plate.  Next, she would put butter and margarine in a microwave safe bowl and stick it in the microwave to melt it then pour the melted butter and margarine all over the pizza and pizza crust.  
Matthew worked at the pizza delivery company and she would order pizza a lot to force Matthew to visit her.  

She considered it exercise to push the button in her automated wheelchair to get over to the door and pick up pizza from Matthew.

With her automated wheelchair she had scrapped up the wood in her place of residence.  She broke a table trying to push on it to get up to the microwave to melt her butter and margarine once.  So she now had the microwave and fridge in just the right place on a much stronger table positioned differently to make it easy to melt butter and margarine without breaking a table again.

Windy's diet and exercise habits were very different from Sabrina.

Sabrina ran an exercise program for pregnant women and was receiving education to become a midwife.  Sabrina was also a pilates and core exercise instructor, personal trainer and weight loss coach.  Sabrina would spend three hours a day stretching while studying for her midwife program.  

Sabrina looked up women's Olympic time for swimming, biking and running various distances.  Sabrina would always exercise at the highest speed she could consistently maintain for each distance she biked, ran or swim and came close to women's olympics swimming and running distances but could not quite do well enough to qualify.  Sabrina would swim, bike or run 4 to 7 days a week at various distances ranging from sprinting to long distance depending on how much time she had that day.  Sometimes she would use a treadmill or stationary bike.while watching educational material and sometimes she would run or bike outdoors.
Sabrina would also lift weights while watching educational materials in her home gym and got first place in a women's power lifting contest that was local to her region.

Sabrina took monkey style kung fu and would spend a half an hour each day outdoors practicing various moves similar to gymnastics using the soft grassy ground to do handstand walking, front and back handsprings, flips, cartwheels and so on.

Sabrina ate a high carbohydrate high protein vegetarian diet eating fat free skim milk and fat free dairy products and never consumed butter margarine, or foods with added hydrogenated or trans fat.  Sabrina avoided food with animal fat except the occasional eggs because the only dairy products she consumed were fat free.  Windy took vitamin and mineral or dietary element supplements to avoid any gaps in nutrition from her diet.  She used flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, canola oil and chia seeds to ensure she had enough Omega 3 fatty acids but never used fish oil supplements because they violated her vegetarian value system.

Matthew liked Sabrina because of her self improvement, fitness and nutrition oriented lifestyle.  Matthew wanted to have a family with Sabrina so he could raise super smart, morally upright children who only ate healthy food choices, and who achieved extreme fitness goals like Sabrina.

Many people liked Sabrina because they described her as smoking hot but that is never why Matthew liked Sabrina.  Matthew liked Sabrina because he thought she had good values that would result in her being a good mother who would raise children with good values.

Although Windy could walk she chose not to because she would rather use the wheelchair.  Windy Marie used some sort of magic and or technology to see and listen to Matthew and Sabrina without them knowing.

Windy found out where they would go on a date by an outdoor cafe that is within sight distance of a bank security camera.

Windy walked up within line of sight of Matthew and Windy and the bank security camera.  

Windy pulled out an illegal drug needle from her purse and injected herself with it and then threw it on the ground instead of in a nearby safe needle disposal bin.

Windy made sure she was near a chair or table leg and that Matthew was looking at her when she did this.  Windy then pulled out a shotgun and pointed the gun at Sabrina and yelled, "I want to buy drugs, give me your money so I can buy drugs or I will shoot you."

Windy then yelled, "now," while shooting the shotgun vertically in the air and walked forward with an angry look on her face, pretending to accidentally trip over the chair or table leg.

Windy then pretended to accidentally drop the shotgun in such a manner that it travelled or launched a far distance away from her as she fell.

Sabrina immediately leaped to where the shotgun was and was about to grab it when Windy Marie shot a body switching ray at her, switching bodies with her.

Windy in Sabrina's body then grabbed the shotgun and pointed it at Sabrina in Windy's body and yelled, "Do not move or I will shoot!"

Matthew then called the police.

When they went to court Windy in Sabrina's body testified how she saw her shoot up illegal drugs and point a shotgun at her and demand she give her money.

Sabrina in Windy's body testified that Windy switched bodies with her with a body switching ray and she had been framed.

Windy was declared insane and court ordered to go to a special facility to get psychiatric treatment for her delusions in addition to drug addiction treatment

Matthew broke up with Sabrina after she started behaving like Windy.  Matthew said, "I am not breaking up with you because you gained weight but because you started picking up a lot of really bad habits.  Your bad habits will cause you to die early so you can not be there for your children if you have any.  If you serve your children the type of food you eat they will have serious health problems.  I want any children I become a parent to, to learn monkey style kung fu from you, as well as how to become super athletes, but now you do not even exercise.  I wanted to raise children to be smart but now you never study anymore and will not pass on the value of learning new things to them nor will you have any knowledge to teach them because you quit learning yourself.  I wanted you to teach my future children moral values, but the only values you seem to have lately are laziness and gluttony which I do not want to teach my children.  There is no point in marrying you if you would not be a good mother."

After Matthew broke up with Windy in Sabrina's body he started visiting Sabrina in Windy's body who he noticed lost a lot of body fat and put on a lot of muscle and was exercising regularly and eating healthier than Windy would.  Sabrina in Windy's body told Matthew she stopped eating a vegetarian diet because she could not control what she eats at the facility completely and can not just order foods and supplements to get enough nutrition with a vegetarian diet in the facility, but if she ever gets out she plans to return to a vegetarian diet again.

Matthew told Sabrina in Windy's body about what happened to Windy in Sabrina's body and how she started acting like Windy and that he believed she was telling the truth.  They made a plan that Sabrina in Windy's body would tell them that she realizes she was wrong and was jealous of Sabrina all along and she made up a story because she wanted to blame Sabrina for her drug and eating disorder and to have a way to get out of responsibility for her actions and that she must have hallucinated or had delusions that resulted in her blaming Sabrina well under the influence of drugs and that she was just using drugs as a way to get out of the pain of the consequences of her laziness and eating disorder.

After many months and many visits from Matthew, Sabrina in Windy's body was finally released and then married Matthew.

When Windy in Sabrina's body found out, she said to herself that, "Matthew broke up with me and married her because she had a smoking hot body even though she had a horrible personality and he did not like me because I was obese even though I had a great personality.  I am so done with that scumbag Matthew!"

Windy in Sabrina's body then found another skinny woman who was dating another man she liked and repeated the process and switched body's with her.

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