Friday, August 4, 2023




There was a guy named Fraudstein who became considered the smartest person in all of world history.  Fraudstein did not pass Algebra.  Fraudstein had his wife do all the math for his science papers.  Fraudstein and his wife copied previous science papers written by other people, only they changed details such that where the previous theoretical science papers did not have self contradictions these new science papers did.  Fraudstein did not give his wife any of the credit nor the scientists they copied.  

Fraudstein claimed his special theory could be proved by observing a rare astronomical event only at a special place and special time that almost no one would be located at when it happened.

Many of the  people who traveled to that place and were there at that time believed the observations did not fit Fraudstein's predictions but most people could not prove Fraudstein's predictions were wrong because they were not there.  A vote was made by the people there about if Fraudstein's predictions were right or wrong and he was so close to losing the vote that a special person was assigned to decide the outcome of the vote and changed him to become the winner thus proving by scientific consensus that his predictions were right despite the fact that if this special person did not decide the final outcome of the vote he would not have won.

Since then predictions based on Fraudstein's theory were claimed to prove his theory numerous times doing experiments that can only be proven with millions or billions of dollars that people who are not millionaires or billionaires or given millions or billions of dollars in government funding at taxpayer expense can not afford to observe.  Only people with special legal clearance were supposedly allowed to see these special experiments.  Some people claimed the published results of these experiments they never could afford to see or were not given legal clearance to see did not actually fit the predictions but they were told they were just not smart enough and got the calculations wrong.

Fraustein eventually won a big monetary prize for his theories.  Fraudstein gave the money to his ex wife who was very upset at him.  You see even though she did all the math work Fraudstein was unthankful to her and ungrateful to her and divorced her instead of giving her credit because he wanted to marry his first biological cousin who he did marry in addition to divorcing his wife who was faithful and committed to him and did nothing wrong to him personally, although she did plenty of things academically wrong to support her unfaithful and uncommitted husband.

Although Fraudstein initially had critics in the scientific community most of the people who disbelieved him kept their mouths shut so it appeared that the scientific convention supported him.

In the Gov Viet Goon Ion saying Fraudstein was wrong would get you thrown in the mental hospital.  In other places people who said Fraudstein was wrong were called hateful bigots who hate him because of his race, religion, ethnicity and ancestry and the things they say about his theories predictions not fitting experimental observations correctly were ignored and called lies about calculation errors by hateful bigots who made the real calculation errors.  

Many supporters of Fraudstein's theories claimed that Fraudstein's theories proved that Fradustein was the smartest person in the world and that therefore Fraudstein's people group was smarter than other people groups but anyone who pointed out they were bigoted for saying that was called a bigot against Fraudstein's people group.

Once Fraudstein was asked about his theories and he said I did not come to visit this country to talk about math or science theories but about why my people should be allowed to take the land of other people who are currently living somewhere else.

The predecessors who Fraudstein stole the theories from and modified the theories of did not publish such blatantly self contradictory theories.  Some people claim you can know Fraudstein's theories are wrong even without testing them by experiments because they are self contradictory.  These people were told they were not really self contradictory but paradoxical and only look self contradictory to people who are not smart enough and that calling these paradoxes contradictions just proves the critics are not smart enough and everyone who is smart enough knows Fraudstein was correct.

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