Friday, July 28, 2023

Fake Pyramids

 Fake Pyramids


Steve was watching television and someone on TV claimed the pyramids were not built to house dead people.  They claimed the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt were actually modern inventions not from times Before Christ but more than 1000 years after Jesus Christ made after 1000 AD.  He thought he knew what TV channel he was watching but he could never find the program on the channel he thought he was watching in any sort of rerun.  

It could have been that what was said about the pyramids was not the main point of the TV presentation but just a side comment the presenter mentioned in a presentation that was mainly talking about something else.

He again years later saw an online video by a most likely different presenter claiming this and planned to finish watching the video later but somehow could not find the link ever again.  

Here are the main points of what the presenter or presenters claimed

The pyramids and sphinx only showed up in maps after 1000 AD

The pyramids and sphinx were part of something similar to a theme park or amusement park or man made tourist attraction 

The size and or number of the pyramids and other structures of interest on these maps or tourist brochures increased over time

That is they were remodeled by modern humans to make them larger so they would be more attractive to tourists and therefore more profitable

New structures were also built over time so that there would be more pyramids and other structures of interest to attract tourists and thus make more profit

The pyramids were not created to bury people

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