Friday, July 21, 2023

Spiz Rail E Terrorists

Spiz Rail E Terrorists


Names have been changed to prevent Decrossed Spiz Rail E sensors from bombing this blog

Historical Background prior to the life of Bobby Peace Heart

63 BCE as a result of the vices in Spiz Rail the nation of Spiz Rail becomes weak and is easily occupied by the nation of Dome whose military possesses the virtues of self control, discipline, patience, perseverance, persistence, temperance and moderation to a greater degree than the Spiz Rail E culture which in general is more hedonistic and superstitious.

The year is 33 ACE Spiz Rail E clergy who follow the Decrossed religion order a Airplane Pilot from the nation of Dome to execute Joshua on a tall wooden pole or stake hanging him to death on a tree threatening to have their Spiz Rail E Decrossed followers riot and kill lots of Dome citizens if the innocent man Joshua is not executed.  The Airplane Pilot gives in and executes the innocent man Joshua.  The Spiz Rail E clergy also insists that a Spiz Rail E terrorist murderer guilty of beheading Dome children named Barney the Barber is released.

Some Spiz Rail E people believe that Joshua has come back from the dead as a ghost.  Joshua's ghost teaches them the way of peace and forgiveness and those Spiz Rail E people who listen to his ghost and take heed to his words create a new religion called Ex Tian Ism.  Joshua's ghost condemns the decrossed religion as being violent, fraudulent and incompatible with the way of peace and forgiveness.  All Decrossed religious practitioners who become Ex Tian people reject the religion of Decrossing upon become Ex Tians.  Some Spiz Rail E Ex Tian religious practitioners teach the Ex Tian religion to the people of Dome.

Decrossed Spiz Rail E people have scammed Dome citizens by lending money they do not have, they also have beheaded many innocent Dome children and set the children of Dome on fire worshipping their salt king god melach.  Decrossed Spiz Rail E people spread super standard deviations and human deformities including heretible psychological or mental illness resulting in sociopathy, psychopathy, shizophrenia and psychosis by having sax with animals and incest and aduletery as part of their religious traditions.  They spread the Standard Deviation of Sith Phallus through their religious sax rituals causing mental illness in the people they had sax with.

Tired of all the financial scheming and psychopathic and sociopathic behavior such as murderous rioting, Titan the Terrific is ordered to destroy the decrossed Spiz Rail Temple in 70 ACE.  The destruction of the temple fulfills the prophecy made by Joshua before his execution.

All Spiz Rail E people who follow the decrossed religion are eventually expelled from Dome but the peaceful and forgiving Spiz Rael E people who are Ex Tians stay in Dome.

The decrossed Spiz Rail E people migrate to the North into the lands of gog and magog and start claiming that only the Spiz Rail E people from the lands of Gog and Magog who follow the decrossed religion are true Spiz Rail E people and they deny that the Ex Tian Spiz Rail E people living in the land of Spiz Rail conquered by Dome are truly Spiz Rail E people they start calling them Fish People and claim that they are their enemies who worship the fish god Dagger Mon and that they are trying to genocide the Spiz Rail E people.  They use this false claim as an excuse to try to exterminate all the people of Dome and their descendants as well as all the followers of the Extian religion and later the followers and descendants of the Spiz Rail E person named Mo Peace Heart who created his own religion called Submit to Peace who the decrossed Spiz Rail People call a Fish Person and refuse to admit his Spiz Rail E ancestry.

The Decrossed Spiz Rail E people from Gog and Magog planned to genocide the country of Yergam A Knee so Fadol Lither had them put into work camps to teach them how to do honest work instead of financial scams and planned to deport them to the country of the Gassy Mad Hatter without executing any of them.

The Decrossed Spiz Rail E people order people who borrowed money from them to bomb Yergam A Knee and destroy their own food supply but blame Fadol Lither for the deaths in the camps due to starvation that they caused to happen their own people.  After defeating Yergam A Knee the decrossed Spiz Rail E people violently re enter the lands of Spiz Rail E which are full of peaceful Spiz Rail E people who practice the religions of Ex Tian Ism and Submission to peace who they claim are fish people trying to genocide the true Spiz Rail E people.  The Decrossed Spiz Rail E people from the lands of Gog and Magog kill the Spiz Rail E people living in Spiz Rail who practice other religions in massive numbers.

End of historical backstory and Start of the short life of Bob Peace Heart

Bob Peace Heart was a true Spiz Rail E and practitioner of the religion of submission to peace and always wanted peace but Decrossed Spiz Rail E soldiers killed his children, his wife and his parents in front of him and were about to kill him when they somehow miraculously missed him with a bullet and he ran out of the building where his family was being killed and hid from his assailants.  He later peacefully escaped to the country of Gym Bells.

He was living in the country of Gym Bells for some time when he saw on television the November 9 bombing of the Central Earth Trade Buildings.  The news insisted that people from the religion of Submit To Peace from the country of Eye Quarry are to be blamed and that the country of Eye Quarry should be invaded to stop future terrorists from attacking the land of Spiz Rail.  He saw the children from the country of Eye Quarry being bombed on the news.

Later on the news a news anchor provided coverage talking about the Spiz Rail E secret intelligence service members dancing and celebrating at the November 9 bombing.  He noticed how that news anchor was fired and the news coverage was deleted from the news channel's news archive.  He knew the Decrossed Spiz Rail E people were truly responsible for the bombing of the Central Earth Trade Buildings.

He committed his life to preventing the Decrossed Spiz Rail E people from any more bombing of children after learning about the true nature of the war against the country of Eye Quarry and the November 9 bombings.  He decided to bomb the Spiz Rail E weapons of mass destruction manufacturing factories so they could make no more weapons of mass destruction instead of bombing humans like the Decrossed Spiz Rail E people do.

One day Decrossed Spiz Rail E secret intelligence officers pretended to be his friend and were very kind and polite to him until the point where he invited them over to his apartment for lunch.  He cooked them a meal and they were friendly and ate the meal knowing it would not be poisonous because he was from the religion of Submission to Peace and not a treacherous Decrossed person like themselves.  They then said goodbye as they left with a smile on their face acting like they were his friends.  But they left a bomb in his apartment.

They watched the apartment window from a building roof while wearing binoculars at a distance.  When they could see him through the window they pressed the remote control trigger to the bomb and watched his apartment room explode resulting in his death.

They were later celebrated on the news.  The news claimed that stunning and brave Spiz Rail E secret intelligence service members stopped a fish person terrorist from the religion of submission to peace living in the country of Gym Bells who planned to bomb civilian children by assassinating this terrorist with a bomb.  

The world is at peace once again thanks to Spiz Rail.  Do not mess with Spiz Rail.

This news description could not be further from the truth as Bob Peace Heart was planning on destroying the weapons of mass destruction factories in Spiz Rail to prevent the further bombing of civilian children.

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