Thursday, July 6, 2023

Population Numbers Prequel

 This is a prequel to the stories about a future with mandatory

abortions for everyone under a age of 40

Population numbers prequel, a meeting in the corporation known

as, "The holding house of the world itself."

Part 1 The history of the corporation known as, "The holding house of the

world itself," up to the start of the population crisis

Now it happened over time that people wanted to store excess food and

clean drinking water so they would not starve, dehydrate or get sick

from unclean water and so that the excessive labor of the type they

had little choice in selecting would not harm their body faster than it would heal.

Although methodically planned exercise can be beneficial, the

mandatory nature of the work required for minimal sustenance of food

and clean water did more harm than good resulting in excesses and

deficiencies that wore down the body faster than it could heal or

build up in strength.

Many people concluded that the average burdensome labor per person

could be reduced by working in groups instead of laboring individually

and so many organizations and institutions formed and corporations and

trading practices developed.

Population growth at that time period in history became a means to

train the next generation to work to help your life be less burdensome

in the future

Some people found with so much excessive food stored one could form a

group to steal, deceive or use violence or the threat of violence to

take other groups resources

Some groups had to form to protect against other groups

Some of these groups prospered and some failed both through ethical

and unethical means

But at the end of it a single group formed called, "the holding house

of the world itself."

This group owned most of the food and clean drinking water in the

entire world indirectly through other groups each of its members owned

or managed.  It was a group of many groups that each contained many

layers of many groups below them.

Now some of the people in the group were more ethical than others but

they all knew if they did not work together to make the world supply

stable they would die.  They could not maintain the resources working

alone as it would return to a state of fatally excessive labor and

also working alone they would have no means to prevent unethical

groups of people from seizing their stuff.  Those who had little

compassion for others still worked on the team and had some concern

for others' well being simply to have workers alive to keep the

storage supply up so they do not starve personally as an individual.

And those who had concern that other people than themself did not

starve also of course wanted to maintain the storage and knew that if

they did not work with the less compassionate majority at the top they

would be outnumbered and it would bring doom for everybody.

Now usually the food supply of the world grew as new agricultural

technology developed, but eventually agriculture became so efficient

most people did not have to work to grow food.  And there was

beginning to be a problem, the majority of people started to feel

entitled to have food other people produced given to them by force

with nothing given in exchange for the food to help the food

producers.  Now it was OK when a small percentage of the people on the

top did this in exchange for security to protect from groups run by

other people on the top stealing the food, because as long as it was

ensured that only a small enough percentage of the population ran the

unethical security racket and did not grow their own food the storage

could be maintained.

Having one group extort food in exchange for keeping another group

that would also extort or steal food in check was disapproved of by

those at the top who did not get there by unethical means but  they

tolerated it to prevent a bloodbath and to prevent everyone from

losing all their resources.  You see if those at the top who got to

their position ethically tried to stop the security racket of the

unethical members of the top, the unethical members at the top would

kill them but also many small unauthorized groups would form and the

percentage of people who take by force, theft or deception would get

so high that everyone would run out of resources and die.

Those at the top who got their by unethical means knew a careful

balance was needed and not too many people could be in the security

racket or everyone would starve including themselves, so it was in their

own best interest to limit the number of groups who take resources by

theft, fraud and deception and limit the size of their own group as


Now if the majority got to the top ethically perhaps something could

be done to purge those who got to their position unethically but at

least 2/3 of those at the top got their by owning sub corporations

that used stealing, lying, violence or the threat of violence but only

occasionally and in moderation.  Those at the top who did not keep the

unethical behavior of their sub corporation in moderation were purged

even by other unethical members at the top because they knew if they

exceeded their limit everyone would starve.

From time to time there was a meeting in which they examined past food

and water storage data for the last 33 years and planned the future

for the next 66 years

There was a crisis because too large a percentage of the population

felt entitled to free stuff even if it meant using violence, theft,

fraud or the threat of violence to get that free stuff and these

people were not in authorized security groups.  This happened after

agriculture became so efficient that less than 20% of the population

needed to farm to produce their own food and they started to feel free

food even if it is free at the expense of someone else's labor was a

human right.  Moreover many people had never learned how to farm

anymore and were unwilling to learn, they felt they had a right to

food without farming because farming was an old and out dated 20th

century practice and not with the times.  They felt more like getting

useless degrees like PhDs in modern English even though they already

were native speakers of modern English and not learning it as a second

language which might be different.  But more commonly they liked to

just watch television all day and hear slogans such as, “I will give

you free food if you vote for me.”

The meeting to discuss the crisis of the food storage based on the

population data and what to do about the overpopulation of

unauthorized freeloaders will be discussed in the next section of this


Part 2 Meritocracy’s poetic description of the ignorant population

problem before the corporation known as, "The holding house of the

world itself."

Now each person in the room went by a nickname describing their

disposition and not their actual name in the boardroom

A human who we shall name Meritocracy explained the problem

There are

A lot of stupid people

Burning down the world who

Consume more food than they produce

Defile more water than they make Drinkable and

Expend more Electric power than they generate, they set

Fire to the world through stagnation refusing to tend to the Forests

properly, they pretend dead trees are alive and burn the living.  They


Greedy for what they did not make putting a mandatory burden on the

helpful and productive that is more than they can bear, they eliminate

more plants than they Grow in the name of pretty lawns and roads to

nowhere ensuring there houses are unaffordable for the next generation

so they can brag what money they made, if they were to sell it,

meanwhile spending more than the sales value they raised on cosmetic

home improvements that waste plenty of time setting up to feed no one

with their useless manicured lawns, were they to sell it they would be

at a loss having spent more than they put in to raise the sales value

by annually taxing the sales value of the home itself, and it is not

just urbanites and suburbanites, a productive fruit bearing tree or

medicinal plant in the rainforest or jungle will be burned by

primitives after they are civilized by so called modern cultures to

Graze livestock that produce less value in food and medicine than the

tree or plant itself.  By burning and consuming more plants than they

grow and burning fossil fuels to build roads to nowhere, we are

running out of breathable oxygen as they set the world on fire.

Clearly such behavior is a symptom of their overall pattern that they

Harm more people and animals than they Heal,

Insanity rules their hearts persecuting the sane to avoid the effort

of thinking and Investigation, such people are


Killing more lives than they save or rescue and giving birth and adopting not to

Lead the next generation to success but to cause

More bad than good in each child.  In each child they fabricate an

evil persona through Malice and negligence.  They Manufacture a new

persona through

Numerous traumas

Often exceeding the number of traumas created through simple errors

and mistakes.  Instead they mold a

Person into a Persona that is a facemask of corruption, were their

children to show an appearance of Purity cleaning, growing, healing

and improving the world around them more than they defile, damage and

destroy they would be Persecuted.  A willingly ignorant Population

that refuses to investigate new information to do Proper action based

on the truth does more harm than good Per Person and there are too

many of them to overcome evil with such an excessively smaller

Population of good doers.

Then Meritocracy shortened the lengthy poem of a problem to a

prolifically wordy statement

Were they as a combined sum total to contribute more than they

consume, defile, damage and expend there would be no limit to what

their Population could be.  Even if most of them when measured as a

single individual produced a net loss but simply allowed the

productive minority to grow the world more in combined total than the

combined majority stagnates it there would be no limit to a sustainable

population but the ignorant have conspired in mass with every breath

they take to stop those who would make the world grow prosperous in

life and health.

But since what he said was to vague in spite of his verbose wordiness

he explained things in a simple mathematical explanation

which shall be explained in the next part

Part 3 Meritocracy explains his model for analysis of the data

Meritocracy, realizing he was rambling vaguely without actually

showing any data to describe the problem itself at hand, suddenly

scrambled upon bringing up a set of many charts, graphs, data and

extrapolated mathematical formulas full of predictive functions to

guess future trends if different choices were made.  After looking

shocked and embarrassed for a moment he set up his presentation aids

then started speaking again.

We have a certain storage of each resource clean drinking water,

breathable oxygen, plants edible for human consumption, plants that

change carbon dioxide to oxygen so animals can breath, electrical

power to bring light so people do not trip and fall to their death at

night and to refrigerate and freeze food so we do not lose our entire

stockpile of fresh and healthy food and to be used to power water

cleaning plants and keep modern hospital technology working and allow

for faster research through electronic libraries so people can know

how to be productive and so on.

If we run out of oxygen food or water we will all die and if we run

out of electricity people will continue to live but a lot of them will

indirectly die as a result of a cascade of events and worst of all the

survivors will lose the electronic storage of knowledge explaining how

to be productive resulting in a shortage of food and clean drinking

water and a loss of modern medical knowledge.

We can look at eight factors


the net expenditure per person per time of each of the resources we

listed of those people who consume more than they produce


the population of willingly ignorant people who expend more than they

produce and who are unwilling to change that when presented with the

proper information and given the opportunity to change their actions


the net production per person per time of those who produce more than

they consume for each resource


the population of people who produce more than they consume


the net rate per surface area per time at which nature itself can rain

clean drinking water or grow plants in the wild in areas humans do not

interfere in, that we have hidden from the flat maps and round globes

and curated and censored satellite and computer images we distribute

to the general population or in other cases areas we have allowed them

to see but forbidden them to travel to

6 the surface area we have hidden from the general population or

forbidden them to travel which is also wild land

7 time

8 What we currently have stored for each of those resources

The net world production is equal to the production per useful person

times the number of useful people plus the production per area of

wildland times the area of wildland minus the loss per malignant

person times the number of malignant people

Now this is a differential system of equations and we would integrate

the production as a function of time and add it to the initial storage

value at a set time to estimate the storage value at a future time

such as

the following formula was presented on a projection screen

d clean water / dtime = (number of humans purifying water * amount of

water purified per human per time) + (amount of clean water rained per

area per time) * (area in which water is rained)- (number of humans

defiling water*amount of water defiled per human per time)

And he went on speaking

Now the comparison for the growth rate for each of the two

populations, one malignant and the other useful and beneficial, might

look something like the following but it is really much more

complicated than that and the numbers would be different and the

equations more complicated.  This might be an example of if women who

mated with the group of malignant men produced about 3 children each

at the ages of 19, 20 and 21  years old and women who mated with the

group of useful men produced only 1.73 children once at 32 and

sometimes a second one at 33 years of age 73% of the time.

And these were the formula Meritocracy presented on the screen

d P / dt = P * 0.5 * (N - 2) / [ ( Y + 1 + ….. + Y + N ) / N years ]

N = Number of children given birth to

( Y + 1 ) years = age in which first child is given birth to

( Y + N ) years = age in which last child is given birth to

Assume 1 child is given birth to every year between Y + 1 year and Y +

N years inclusively

P * 0.5 is because men do not give birth to children and half of children given birth to will be woman

(N - 2) is because the population will not increase if a couple of two parents has two children after the parents die out, in order for the population to increase they must have more than 2 children and the population will decrease if they have less than 2 children if the parents eventually die off. 

M = number of malignant people

U = number of useful people

d M / dt = M * 0.5 * (3-2) / ( [19+20+21] / 3 years )

d M / dt = M / 40 years

d M / dt =  M * 0.025

d U / d t = U*0.5* (1.73-2) / ( [1*32 + 0.73*33] / 1.73 ) years

d U / dt = - 0.135 U / 32.4219653179 years

d U / dt = - U / 240.162706059 years

d U / d t = - U * 0.00416384382243 per year

M0 = 0.8 * 8 billion = 6.4 billion

U0 = 0.2 * 8 billion = 1.6 billion

M0 is the number of Malignant people in the world in the current year

U0  is the number of useful people in the world in the current year

t = 0 during the current year

M = 6.4 billion * e ^ ( t / 40 years)

U = 1.6 billion * e ^ (t / - 240.162706059 years)

1 / ( [ 1 / 40 ] - [ - 1 / 240.162706059 ] ) = 34.2890328891

6.4 billion / 1.6 billion = 4

M / U = 4 * e ^ ( t  / 34.2890328891 years)

M / U right now is 4 at t = 0 years

M / U in 33 years from now is 10.4719599829

M / U in 19 years from now is 6.96158649981

M / U in 52 years from now is 18.2253638109

e ^ ( 1 / 34.2890328891 ) = 1.02959327315

e ^ ( 33 / 34.2890328891 ) = 2.61798999573

e ^ ( 19 / 34.2890328891 ) = 1.74039662495

e ^ ( 52 / 34.2890328891 ) = 4.55634095273

e = 2.71828182846

The problem is not that the population of people is exponential but

that the population of useful people is facing exponential decay while

at the same time the population of malignant people is exponential and

growing.  Right now there are 4 times as many malignant people as

useful people and if each useful person contributes 5 times as much as

a malignant person consumes, defiles or destroys than things can

balance out but based on the hypothetical birth data above for

malignant vs useful people in 19 years there will be 6 or 7 times as

many malignant people as useful people requiring each useful person to

produce 7 or 8 times as much as a malignant person consumes and in 33

years there will be 10 or 11 malignant people for every useful person

requiring each useful person to produce 11 or 12 times as much as a

malignant person consumes and in 52 years there will be 18 or 19 times

as many malignant people as useful people requiring each useful person

to produce 19 or 20 times as much as each malignant person consumes.


Some of the information above is fictional used for the purpose of a

story line and not all of it is based on real life measurements. 

The annual percent increase in the number of malignant people in the story is not based on real life data but based on assuming each malignant mother gives birth to three children which is the lowest integer whole number of children she can give birth to that can result in above sub-replacement fertility rate and that she has her first pregnancy start conception at 18 years old which is the lowest universal legal age in the United States ignoring exceptions for specific states or court cases and has her second and third child as soon as possible afterward without having twins or triplets rounding the time between pregnancies to one year instead of nine months and rounding the time of her first child being born to 19 years old instead of 18 years and 9 months old.  This results in a higher annual growth rate for the population subgroup of malignant people than when the population growth peaked in the 1960s for the population group that was being measured as a whole in the reference below but that does not necessarily make it unrealistic because different subgroups of a single population group can have higher or lower percent growth rates than the group they are a subgroup of.  But more importantly this story is fiction and the numbers are not necessarily going to line up with real life data especially if they are exaggerated to show a point.  

The annual percent increase in the population of useful people is based on the number of child births per woman in the lowest state and the higher average age of marriage for women in the “western” region of the United States as described in references below.  The author was looking for a low population growth rate of people and chose these numbers to formulate the growth rate of productive people in the story even though these quantities might not represent the growth rate of productive people in real life since that is not what the quantities were originally intended to measure when collected.  These quantities are used outside the real life original context and intent of measurement to fit the background of a fictional story, not a real life model for a real life problem.

The mathematical model in this story is also over simplified in many ways and has many faults someone could point out in a real life situation but this is made simple to fit the background of a fiction story.

The annual percent increase in the number of unproductive people in the story is approximately 2.53%

Multiplying the population by e ^ ( 1 / 40 ) = 1.02531512052 every year converts to 2.531512052% annual growth rate

A 2% annual growth rate converts to multiplying the population by 1.02 every year

A 1% annual growth rate converts to multiplying the population by 1.01 every year

Sub-replacement fertility is a total fertility rate (TFR) that (if sustained) leads to each new generation being less populous than the older, previous one in a given area. The United Nations Population Division defines sub-replacement fertility as any rate below approximately 2.1 children born per woman of childbearing age, but the threshold can be as high as 3.4 in some developing countries because of higher mortality rates.[1] Taken globally, the total fertility rate at replacement was 2.33 children per woman in 2003.[1] This can be "translated" as 2 children per woman to replace the parents, plus a "third of a child" to make up for the higher probability of males born and mortality prior to the end of a person's fertile life.[a] In 2020, the average global fertility rate was around 2.4 children born per woman.[2]

Annual growth rate reached its peak in the late 1960s, when it was at

around 2%. The rate of increase has nearly halved since then, and will

continue to decline in the coming years.

The 1.73 children given birth to by each woman who chooses to mate

with a useful man in the fictional data is based on new hampshire

being the lowest listed in this link

Among 2020 couples, the data indicates the average age of marriage

skews slightly higher out West (brides, age 31

How to article on population growth rate calculations and differential equations

End Note

This is a work of fiction and the data is fictitious

Someone in the crowd asked how he concluded that 20% of the world

population were useful

Meritocracy continued speaking

In the past, we could have actually estimated how much of the

population are currently malignant or productive based on occupation

data in careers that are malignant or productive and unemployment

data.  Malignant careers of course cause more problems than mere

unemployment because someone simply not producing food is negligible

as long as they do not use force to stop those who would produce food

as so many in the public sector have done.  This occupation data was

published by all or almost all countries that are members of the

United Nations and still is but is no longer trustable after the war

on female illiteracy.

Doing so would have been a very complicated process and probably

actually resulted in less than 20% being useful in the current year,

however, I am trying to be optimistic and to save time so I simply

chose 20% based on many studies related to the Pareto effect.  Only

about 2% of the population in the United States is involved in

agriculture so the actual figure might be as low as 2% that are useful

but other professions are needed to assist farmers and farming is more

efficient in the United States than some other countries so on a

worldwide scale 2% would be an underestimate.

25% to 30% of the world’s population were farmers in the early 21st

century and late 20th century before the first cis gender female

president of the United States war on female illiteracy in which she

said, “I promise I will bomb whichever country has the smallest

percentage of women enrolled in college one year after my first day of

office.  I will do so in order to create worldwide competition for

which country can have the highest enrollment rate of women in

University classes.  But that is just the start, I can do more and we

can do more collectively.  We will also bomb the country with the

second lowest enrollment rate next, after we turn the sand to glass in

the first one and the second one, we will continue the process, one country at a time

until 100% women’s enrollment is achieved worldwide.”  To make things

worse she also said, “don’t marry no hic farmer, and pop out babies

that can not read or write, get a college degree.”  After that tragic

set of events, we have been unable to survey the number of farmers in

third world countries and can no longer trust the data published by

the countries on employment by occupation.  But we estimate less than

20% of those employed worldwide are in the agricultural industry.

Additionally it is sharply declining as more than half of women

surveyed in the countries she bombed said they would not marry a

farmer under any circumstances.  This means since children who do not

have a parent who was a farmer are very unlikely to farm and since most men will fear being unmarried if they go into farming due to her brainwashing women’s preference against marrying farmers, most of the remaining farmers were already farmers before she was selected as

President and when they die or retire there will be a massive famine

on our hands.  Fortunately those people in the United States did not

really pay attention to what her mad drug ridden Syphilis infected

brain said with the assassination scandal and the questionable

election of the transgender woman who appointed her as vice president

before his untimely death.  So her words had little direct effect on

their farming and college enrollment rates, of course people in the

United States were already mostly out of the farming industry decades

ago having already been affected by the college bug before she took


Part 4 Meritocracy’s explanation of his survey

This is a work of fiction and the survey data is fictitious

Now currently much less than 20% of the population produce more than

they expend.

The Pareto principle states that 80% of causes come from 20% of events

and although there is no truth to that being true for any and

everything based on valid logic and reason, many studies have shown

such a thing to be approximately true in the cases of what they were

studying.  And such is true in our case.

We found that less than 20% of the United States population both grow

plants for food and change unsafe drinking water into clean drinking

water in excess of what they eat and drink.  Moreover we conducted a

survey asking people if they were offered a free plot of land only to

be used for farming and given a free house next to it and were given

the opportunity to learn farming through free courses of instruction

if they would be willing to farm food to feed themself.  More than 80%

of them said no and gave one of two possible reasons why.  Some said

farming is too hard work, I would rather just do another job to get my

food and others said I would rather get my food from food stamps or

other programs without work.  Less than 20% of those who did not farm

already said they would be willing to take the educational courses and

farm if given free land and courses.  Meritocracy then said this of

course was a survey of people who did not already farm because we do

not need to persuade those who are already doing their part to build

up our stockpile so if we found out they were a farmer already we

discontinued the survey.  Hearing they did not continue the survey for

those already farming the audience started laughing.  He further said

the majority of people were so lazy and ignorant they said they would

not be willing to take a farming educational course even if they could

do it by watching free videos without getting up from their lazy

reclining chair because they would rather spend that time watching

their favorite show on television.  At the mention that they would

rather watch television and some pun on the word lazy and a certain

trademark brand that was not named but implied as a joke with no

implied preference of one brand over another the audience started

laughing hilariously.

Since more than 80% of the surveyed sample of the population of non farmers are

not merely unable to grow food due to a lack of knowledge or farmland

ownership but unwilling to grow food even if given the opportunity we

have a real food crisis on our hands.  This situation was not as

drastic in the past because many people could grow more than five

times what they consumed to enable less than 20% of the population to

be farmers safely and in fact that was why our ancestors formed the

corporation known as, "The holding house of the world itself," so we

could take a break from farming labor and relax a little by organizing non farming members of society to provide services to farmers, keeping farmers, farmland, food and seeds safe to guarantee a food supply for ourselves.

But now the percentage of people willing to farm has reached such a

low and the percentage that are not even willing to offer farmers

goods or services in exchange for food but just expect free food as a

human right has reached such a high percentage due to college

propaganda and offers of free stuff from politicians trying to get

elected that we will for the second 33 year cycle in a row have less

food and clean water in storage than before if something is not done.

Based on our mathematical extrapolation less than 66 years from now we

will all starve if the problem is not fixed before the end of the

upcoming 33 year cycle.

In fact our estimates predict we will run out of clean food and water

within less than 52 years from now and by we I mean us in the

boardroom not merely those outside our boardroom but us personally.

And you know we as non farming members of the boardroom can not go

back to farming in such a situation.  I mean that not as a joke about

avoiding hard physical labor as a member of the ruling aristocracy but

instead I mean that quite literally because when the non-farming

majority are starving they will kill us to take what little we have

farmed if we try it.

The storage will be cut in half before 33 years from now but the

section of the population that views food by force as a human right

gives birth to a new generation lazier than the next every 19 years,

it used to be every 13 years but we lobbied to change the laws to slow

the growth rate by raising the age of both marriage and consent passed

what was set at the Catholic Council of Trent as 12 for girls which was much

older than the younger age some Jewish Rabbis and Muslim Imams permitted, to 18 in the modern United States excluding negligible local exceptions for some States and even

older than 18 in China and some other countries.  

The non productive section of the population is increasing at an exponential growth rate and there will be mass rioting before the 33 year mark is hit in response to raises in food

prices when our food storage is reduced even before it hits the

halfway mark.  We estimate in fact if something is not done to reduce

the birth rate of people unwilling to work for food the riots will

happen 19 years from now killing us before our next 33 year cycle is


Someone in the crowd named Selfish Malice yelled

People in some populations unwilling to work to grow food are actually

having some children even before they reach 18 and the single mothers

are getting more free stuff than those who marry working men before

having children.  The plan to set the marriage to 18 did not work, so

looking back we should have just shot the useless eaters.

Someone else named Practical Cold Heart responded, "We all know they

outnumber us so we can not go around shooting them.  What do you

propose we do about that Meritocracy?"

Meritocracy continued talking after they said their words

Look we need to reduce the population but only the population of

unworthy people in fact we need to increase the population of worthy

people if we want more food and clean water in our worldwide storage.

We have thought of many ways to do this in the past we tried genetic

testing and outlawing marriages in both the United States and Germany

but that became unpopular after that war that shall not be named and

we also found some people who fail the genetic lottery still choose to

work hard and some who are genetically gifted still squander what they

were given.

We tried IQ tests but we found out they did not test someone's ability

to think logically from a scientific perspective correctly but merely

one's ability to research what answers previous test designers wanted

in the number series, pattern series and raven's progressive matrices.

The vocabulary also was just plain poor because it was culturally

biased.  It turns out the relatives of the people who design the test

snuck a peak at the desired answers and posted them in study guides

then people would just do arbitrary things like memorize the digits of

pi when to a scientific thinker the numbers could be anything since

there are multiple sequences that contain any finite sequence but to

someone who read the study guide with the stolen answers they knew to

look for pi.

But now I have discovered a true test that really evaluates what we

need and can enable people to eliminate themselves with much less

Karma on our hands than were we to shoot them directly and they will

not even riot.  It will be a practical test based on a decision in

life when they do not know they are being tested so those malignant people we do not want alive can not cheat by memorizing official study guides to get the right answer while ignoring reality this time.  Those we want alive have the capability to cheat by looking at reality instead of the official study guide within their chosen mindset.  The only way to fail the test is to choose to ignore reality and the very act of cheating in this case would require paying enough

attention to reality that you could pass the test without cheating.

Meritocracy’s proposed test is described in the next Part

Part 5 Meritocrac’s test

Survey results are part of a fictitious story not based on a actual survey

Now the fundamental problem we face is willful ignorance,

approximately 80% of those willing to learn how to farm were also

willing to farm if given an offer of both free farming educational

courses and free land.  More than 99% of the people who were unwilling

to take the small action of doing the free courses were also unwilling

to do the larger action of actually farming.  Less than 1% of those

surveyed who claimed to have no previous farming knowledge or

experience were willing to do the large action of farming but not do

the small action of taking the free farming courses and frankly we do

not want people who do not know how to farm properly farming it is a

waste of resources when the land could be given to someone competent

enough to learn what they are doing before they do it.

Now what we clearly can do is not test someone's knowledge to

determine if they should be eliminated but instead test someone's

willingness to learn new knowledge.

I propose then that we intentionally educate the population on how

cults create a fear of learning knowledge that disagrees with what the

cult group teaches and how they use that fear of knowledge to control

people's behavior in ways that may be harmful to the cult member but

beneficial to the cult leader.  We broadcast this information all over

the news and put it as a theme in fiction novels, books, tv shows,

movies and on the radio, even in college and high school courses to

reach the stupidest of them all who can not be reached by other means.

In fact we have already been doing so in dystopian fiction for decades

and have taught some of these principles in psychology and sociology

classes in colleges and high school albeit not devoting a large enough

of the percentage of the curriculum to it and not doing it in all high school and college courses but we should give one last final push and do so by at least a 10 fold greater magnitude.

Next after doing so for one year we give the test.  We will switch

gears and go full force in the opposite direction.  We will market

something on the news, a product or service to use and say if you do

not get it horrible things will happen to you and if you get it good

things will happen to you.  We will then warn not to listen to outside

sources of information claiming the product can cause death, sterility

or adverse health effects because these outside sources are spreading

misinformation.  We will then pump the alternative media they are told

not to listen to with the truth that this product or service can and

will cause these side effects a significant amount of the time.

We offer the product or service and ensure bad things happen to some

people who use it but not enough of them in a short enough immediate amount of time after they get the product or service that most people will figure it out and not take the product.  But most of those willing to listen to and seriously and thoughtfully contemplate outside information apart from the approved channels will figure out not to take the product.

In this way we can reduce the population of those unwilling to produce

more than they consume by reducing the population of those unwilling

to take the time to learn new information.  They would exterminate

themselves or prevent themselves from reproducing based on a personal

decision to remain ignorant.

Practical Cold Heart replied with a strong tone in his voice

No we must not do that not because it is morally wrong but because it

will not work since those in society who value equality outnumber

those who value merit.  I myself value neither so long as I maintain

food sources for myself but value the appearance of doing both enough

to get people to comply to build my food supply.  The vast majority of

the population outside this board room would rather have a hard hand

applied equally to both the worthy and the unworthy than have a soft

hand in which the unworthy eliminate themselves.  We must enact harsh

legislation that affects even those who have done no wrong in order to

restrict the majority who would make bad choices if given the

opportunity to decide for themself.  If we only sterilized those who

made a bad decision given a clear warning not to make that decision

and let those who do not make a bad decision go free the consequences

would be drastic.  The majority of people would make the bad decision

and when they face the consequences of their own bad decision but the

minority who made the right choice are not punished they will say it

is unfair because it is not equal and then they will riot and kill us.

Instead I propose to appease the majority but also decrease the

population of those who consume more than they produce by decreasing

the birth rate of everyone worthy and unworthy alike.  We shall

mandate the age of marriage to 40 years old minimum and do forced

abortions on anyone who is pregnant before 40 years old.  Raising the

age of marriage to 18 lowered the birth rate as people often did not

marry until years passed the minimum viewing whatever the legal

minimum is as too young for most people being barely legal.  I admit

that Selfish Malice is right that some single mothers have children

before the age of marriage and get rewarded with free hand outs but

that shall change from now on their will be no unwed single mothers

because we shall force abortions upon them.  There shall be no

complaints of inequality resulting in riots because everyone will be

set to an equal minimum age as the standard, we must treat it equally

by gender no man shall be allowed to marry before 40 either and any

child produced by an unmarried man under 40 shall be aborted just the

same as a child produced by a unmarried woman under 40.  We shall

allow divorces but only allow a child with the first person you are

married to and not allow marrying multiple people at once to prevent

complaints of inequality of a man being able to have more biological

children then a woman through a series of divorces and remarriages or

multiple marriages.  We shall allow homosexual and bisexual same sex

marriages but only allow homosexuals and bisexuals to to marry one

person.  This will be great in reducing the population because if a

bisexual person marries someone of the same gender they will there by

be forbidden from reproducing by being forbidden from also marrying

someone of the opposite gender all the while maintaining the claim of

equality since they are treated as equal to heterosexuals by also

being only allowed to marry one person.  And we all know that

maintaining the claim of equality reduces the number of riots.

Then a vote was taken with three options to try Meritocracy’s

solution, to try Practical Cold Heart's solution or to try neither and

do something else to be decided later after more discussion.

Practical cold heart’s solution won the highest number of votes among

the three options.

The politicians were easily lobbied by the largest corporation in the

world known as, " "The holding house of the world itself."

And practical cold heart's solution became a law

This thus lead to the events preceding the previous posts in the

population numbers series in which a woman was impregnated by a

politician against her will and then was going to be forced to get an

abortion against her will but killed the abortionist

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