Friday, September 8, 2023

Dan Sing Spiz Rail


Dan Sing Spiz Rail

On one fateful day in November 9 in the country with the most powerful military in the world the following happened.

A building was rigged for demolition but before that day of demolition all of the employees were told to sign non-disclosure agreements and told not to show up to work that day.  Those who did not sign the non disclosure agreements were fired officially for other reasons but unofficially because they would not sign the non disclosure agreements.  What were they told not to disclose?  Their work hours were added in as an extra detail in addition to the usual provisions in a non disclosure agreement.  They were told that disclosing their work hours to anyone who is outside the corporation they work for was a security risk because people could use knowledge of who is stationed to do work at what time and where to exploit security.  

Those who would not sign it were not hired or were fired as a security risk.  Now these agreements did not list the date of November 9 or any specific date but only an agreement not to list their work hours because if someone refused to sign the agreement they could mention that the date of November 9 is in a copy of the agreement they refused to sign.  However after the agreements were later signed all the employees were told the building is closed on November 9 for remodeling and that they are not permitted to enter the building that day or they will be fired and that they will be given paid vacation on November 9 and that according to the provisions in the non disclosure agreement they are not allowed to tell anyone outside the corporation they work for that they have the day off or that the building is being remodeled that day.

With no one there on November 9 except the demolition team the building was set up for demolition just like when you demolish an old building to tear it down so you can later replace it with a new building.  But that is not what people watching the TV would believe.

Although they could have used a drone plane with no passengers it was much cheaper for the news channels to use a computer generated image of a plane.  All the people present in the city of Zoo Gork near that building where this event happened did not actually see or hear a plane,  But those watching the television saw a computer generated image of a plane hit the building.

They then had actors who pretended to see that the building was hit by a plane.

In the original plans they debated if it was better to install smoke machines on the higher levels of the building or simply use computer generated images of smoke and whether or not the top part of the building should be set on fire before the explosive demolitions were set off.  They also debated whether a manequim should be launched out of the building by a set up created by an art team or if it is better to have computer generated images of humans jumping out of the building.

Whatever the planning committee finally decided on, people saw smoke coming out of the building and what looked like a person jumping out of the building on TV before the building came down.

Many people watching the television thought the building collapse was unusual since the news agency over the coming days intentionally created outlandish claims about technology never confirmed to exist that might very well be science fiction technology bringing down the buildings but the people who made these claims were actors or were other people who heard the actors sincerely believed them and repeated their claims.  But the real explanation was well within human ability and happens every time a building is demolished because it is condemned or in order to construct a new building only people did not realise it because of the fake actors outlandish theories or because they believed they saw a plane hit the building while watching the news.

Nobody actually died in the event because people were warned the building would collapse and were told to evacuate the area near the building by a combination of special actors posing as police and possibly also real police who were misinformed that the building was hit by a plane and who were trying to keep the public away from that region.  Once enough time had passed and enough people were cleared away, Lucky Harry Gold Stein said to pull the building down and then it collapsed.  Lucky Harry Gold Stein got a large amount of insurance money for the building even though it was destroyed in demolition which normally does not pay insurance because its cause of destruction was listed as something else in the news.

Now there were many actors on both secular and Church organizations' news channels that said they survived the building or evacuated the building or helped people evacuate the building in rescue missions or lost relatives in the building.  A special fund was used to pay actors who pretended to lose relatives in the building and to pay confused people who believed they lost relatives in the building but did not realise they were missing due to other causes.  Of course if they ever did find the person and admitted they found the relative they thought they lost in the building they could be told mistakes happen and be allowed to keep the money unless they said the event was a hoax in which case they would be told that if they thought the event was a hoax and nobody died then they were trying to defraud the government by claiming someone died there in that event when they knew did not.  When they were given this threat they changed the story and never brought up the idea of a hoax again or the person who collected the money then realised it was a hoax later when they found their relative alive simply disappeared.  Now many people who mistakenly believed they lost their relatives in the event in the building unknowingly became paid actors as long as they never found their lost relative, and this was very common because Zoo Gork is such a big city.  Of course some might have simply lied about losing their relative to get in on the money and thought they could trick the government into giving them money but actually they were tricked because the government knew they never lost their relatives but were paying them to testify that they did without their knowledge that they were intentionally being paid by the government as actors when they thought they were scamming the government.

People thought it must be real because of the firefighters when actually there were simply actors dressed up as firefighters.  Now some real firefighters did search the building for survivors because they did not know better and were tricked by the actors and although no one died in the collapse of the building these firefighters had their lungs damaged searching the collapsed ruins for people.  But many actors who played fire fighters pretended to have lung damage and got paid for acting in a compensation fund for lung damaged fire fighters that way.

Some of this did not even have to be paid by the government as people would raise charitable funds to help these people not knowing that most of them were actors.

Now the news organizations blamed Mud Slime people for the event and said that Mud Slime people hate Spiz Rail the greatest ally to their country and that they need to go to war against Mud Slime countries to protect their country and the nation of Spiz Rail from the Mud Slime people.

There was one problem with this however.  And people who know Spiz Rail was behind it debate if Spiz Rail intentionally let people know or if this was a rogue newscaster.

There was a man named Clark Camera Run who did a documentary on Danseurs from Spiz Rail

There was a woman who either really believed that the building was attacked by terrible people and not demolished or who was an actor pretending to believe as such

This woman saw immigrants from Spiz Rail who were Danseurs Dan Sing on a roof celebrating and calling the police.  The police captured these people and found evidence of their foreknowledge of the event.  But were forced to let them go because they were from Spiz Rail and were not Mud Slime people.

At least that is how Clark Camera Run's story went on Faux news which he allegedly later got fired from.  Faux news later pretended to have never ever played the story but unfortunately for them some people recorded it even though they removed it from their  news archive which was available to the public.

In Spiz Rail there was a secret meeting that led to the Danseurs Dan Sing and jubilation.  Here is a summary of the plan in the meeting.

We should blow up a building in the militarily most powerful nation of the world and then blame the Mud Slimes to start a war between the Mud Slime nations and the militarily most powerful nation in the world.  We can then use the news media we own and the puppet President we control to claim they should start a war looking for weapons of mass destruction in their country.  The people will not know any better even though Spiz Rail, the economically most powerful nation in the world, already has lots of weapons of mass destruction because they will simply not mention that in the news and we will use the news to call anyone who points out this hypocrisy to be prejudice against our race and our religion.  Meanwhile we can slander the Mud Slime race and religion accusing them of doing all the things that we are guilty of and people will believe it because they watch the news.  We already own all the major Churches and can use them in addition to the news to get people to worship people of our race and worship people of our religion and to slander anyone who says our people should not be worshipped as disobeying their god who we love to mock behind their backs.  We can also use their Churches to slander the Mud Slime people and anyone who denies the slander will be accused of wanting to exterminate our race and our religion and of disobeying the god preached in their Churches, meanwhile we will use their Churches to promote the extermination of the Mud Slime people and all other races and religions than our own and eventually when they have eliminated the Mud Slime people and all other races and religions than our own we will convince the Church goers to commit suicide by using their Pastors who are our agents and then we will be the only Race and Religion left on the earthly realm except some of them who are the most blindly loyal to use who we shall leave behind as slaves who think they are blessed by god for blindly obeying us.  We will use some prisoners to drink their blood and harvest their organs.

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