Sunday, October 15, 2023

The power to censor zero

Title : The power to censor zero


Billy was asked for his math homework 

Can you divide a number by zero, why or why not?

Billy said 

Multiplication is like repeated addition

If you take zero and add zero to it

No matter how many times you do it you still end up with zero

Therefore no real positive whole number times zero can equal another real positive whole number greater than zero

Therefore there are no real  positive whole number solutions to any real positive whole number greater than zero divided by zero

If you multiply any complex number by zero you get zero

Therefore there is no complex number you can multiply zero by to get a number other than zero

Therefore there is no complex number solution that works for any complex number other than zero divided by zero

However you can divide zero by zero and the set of all complex numbers is the solution because any complex number times zero equals zero

0 * Any complex number = 0

0 / 0 = Any complex number

0 / 0 = Set of all complex numbers

The back of the book did not mention a solution exists to zero divided by zero and simply said you can not divide by zero.  Since Billy's teacher was not a critical thinker and just used the answers in the back of the book and also did not like Billy's political leanings she marked Billy's answer as wrong because it did not agree with the answer in the back of the teacher's edition

Another question on Billy's homework was what is any number to the zero power?

Billy wrote

X^0 = X ^ A / X ^ A = B / B = 1

Any number except for zero to the zero power has one and only one solution which is equal to one because it is equivelent to that number divided by itself.

Zero to the zero power however is an exception in that it has multiple solutions in addition to the solution of one

Zero to the zero has a solution of one because any number to the zero power equals one

Zero to the zero has an additional solution of zero because zero to any power equals zero

Zero to the zero power however has even more solutions than that and in fact is solved by the set of all complex numbers because zero to the zero power equals zero divided by zero which is solved by the set of all complex numbers as I already proved

Any number to the zero power is 1

Zero to any power is 0

0 / 0 = Set of all complex numbers

1 / 0 = no solution within set of complex numbers

0 / Any complex number = 0

0 ^ 0 = 0 ^ 1 / 0 ^ 1 = 0 / 0 = set of all complex numbers

0 ^ 0 = 0 ^ A / 0 ^ A = 0 / 0 = set of all complex numbers

The back of the book did not mention a solution other than zero exists for any number  to the zero power.  Since Billy's teacher was not a critical thinker and just used the answers in the back of the book and also did not like Billy's political leanings she marked Billy's answer as wrong because it provided additional ideas that were not found in the back of the book and anything not in the curriculum handed down to her by the social instituition that decides the curriculum was wrong to think about and must as of a duty be censored.   

The next day after Billy handed in his homework a new updated syllabus to the class saying that zero to the zero power and zero divided by zero must not be mentioned in class and that mentioning them other than in the context of explaining that they are against the code of conduct to mention is a violation of the code of conduct

Billy was then given his homework back with his answers to those questions highlighted with black ink so that his original answers could not be read, on the side where there was blank space and his writing as well as the black ink were absent the following words appeared in red ink, "Wrong answer!  Violation of the code of conduct!  One week after school, before school, lunch and recess detention, with no verbal, written, non verbal or other forms of communication permitted during detention.  Any attemp to appeal that involves mentioning things forbidden to mention in the code of conduct will result in a further deduction of your grade and further detention as well as additional disciplinary action as is necessary to prevent further harmful speech that violates the code of conduct."  On top of his paper was another F in big red ink.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Add or remove sensitive content warnings in blogger

Title : How to add or remove sensitive content warnings in blogger

Non Fiction

If you accidentally get this "Sensitive Content Warning" and you have no pictures or videos on your blog and only text then you definitely did not post any picture or video that legally should only be seen by an audience 18 or older because you did not post any picture or video at all.  

That might mean you accidentally turned on an "adult content warning" which might appear as a "sensitive content warning"  

Or perhaps for ethical, moral or legal reasons you might want to turn on an "adult content warning"

Either way is an explanation about how to turn it on or off.  This does not explain whether or not it should be on or off from a legal, ethical or moral viewpoint but only how to do it.

Here is a picture of what the sensitive content warning currently looks like.

If you want to turn off adult content then here are the steps.

0 These steps might change at a later time this is posted on Friday the 13th on October 2023.  Some people believe Friday the 13th is a day of bad luck where bad things happen more often like blogger settings accidentally changing.  If these instructions no longer work then you might have to look elsewhere for instructions or figure it out on your own.

1A You need to be the administrator or admin for the blog not merely the author to control this setting.  You can contact the admin if you are an author working for an admin.  Sometimes an admin of a blog can invite someone to be an author of a blog who can write content but can not control certain settings.  If the admin needs instructions you can email them a link to this article.

1B If you want the warning on some articles but not other articles you might want to put the articles with a sensitive content warning on a different blog then the articles without the sensitive content warning.  One admin can manage multiple blogs.

2 Log into blogger

3 Select the blog where you want to turn the adult content warning on or off

4 Select settings

5A Find the switch to turn on and off adult content warning 

5B Take note of how it was set before you choose the settings.  You might want to write a record of the day and the time and the setting in case this switch flips on it's own due to some individual or robot flagging your content and not by accident

5C Set the switch where you want it to be

5D You might have to save or confirm the settings after flipping the switch or you might not depending on how blogger currently works

Here is a picture of where to find the switch under settings

Peace in Laeris

Title : Peace in Laeris


The Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherd terriers came in from the lands of Gag and Mogag to the north of Laeris traveling southward invading the homeland of those with the highest percent ancestry of Laeris the Palisade people.

The Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds were not very skilled nor very intelligent nor very athletic nor very physically fit nor very hard workers but they were very good at persuading people to do their will by unethical, fraudulent, dishonest and violent means.

After the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds killed 6.66 * 10 ^ 6 of their own people through duping the Shining people to bomb the food rail supplies in Yergamany on their behalf the Shining people from the Land of Cold and Darkness and the Beautiful Lands felt very guilty about what happened to the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds and decided they would do anything to help them.

The Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds lied and said that Laeris was their homeland when their real homeland was Zhakaria.  The Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds claimed that the only way to prevent 6.66 * 10 ^ 6 Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds from dying again was to give them their own country in their homeland in the land of Laeris.

The Shining people from the Land of Cold and Darkness and the Beautiful Lands helped the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds have military aid to invade Laeris and gave them more economic assistance than any other country in the face of the earth they even gave free plane tickets to Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds to invade Laeris the ancestral homeland of the Palisade people.

Laeris was called the most prosperous country in the world and it was not because of anything of value the Ash Key Nagi or Dim Shepherd people contributed but because it had so many free handouts at the costs of the victims that were duped by Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherd con artists and because of the international technology secrets the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherd people stole from research laboratories in other countries in which the Shining people did the real hard research work then the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherd ran country of Laeris took credit for the inventions and discoveries of the Shining people before the country they stole the tech from would have released the technology to the public which could only happen due to other countries having a hiring preference for Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds above all other people groups out of the guilt of the Shining people for the 6.66 * ( 10 ^ 6 ) Ashkenazi and Shepherd Dim deaths which the Ashkenazi and Shepherd Dim duped the Shining people into causing by bombing the food supply lines on behalf of the Ashkenazi and Shepherd Dim plans.

This turned into a constant state of bloody war that lasted many decades but people pretended there was no war and falsely claimed that the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds were providing aid such as health care and food to help out most of the Palisade people and giving them human rights except so called Palisade Terriers when in reality they were executing, imprisoning, torturing, s trafficking and organ harvesting palisade people who did no wrong doing worthy of those things.

Occasionally Palisade people used primitive  low tech weapons such as stones and sticks to defend themselves only to be attacked with high tech weapons the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds acquired through unethical means.

This war got worse and worse.  But eventually people came up with a solution.  Duped Shining people were raising funds to fly by plane more Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds into Laeris but wise and intelligent people who knew better decided to raise funds for on one way plane tickets to fly anyone who wants to leave Laeris in the opposite direction so they could go out of Laeris instead of into the war zone.  The plane tickets were for anyone who wanted to leave the war zone of Laeris and who would agree to live in a different land in order to help end the war regardless of ancestry or religion.

Even though Laeris was the ancestral homeland of the Palisade people, the wise and intelligent people managed to persuade the Palisade people that it is better to be alive and live outside your homeland than dead and live in your homeland.  They also persuaded some of the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds that you are more likely to live if you leave the war zone than if you fly more Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds into the war zone and stay in the war zone yourself.

Multiple segregated cities were created in less disputed land far away from Laeris to allow the Dim Shepherds, Ash Key Nagi and Palisade refugees to live away from each other free from conflict between the groups.  There were also integrated cities for people from the groups who felt they could get along with people from the other groups.

Only the Ash Key Nagi, Dim Shepherds and Palisade people who were truly terriers chose to stay in Laeris.  The peaceful majority of Palisade people and the peaceful minority of Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds chose to leave Laeris.

Eventually all the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds and Palisade people who were peaceful people left.  They started a regular gun drop dropping packages full of guns by parachute into Laeris.  The goal was to ensure the terriers from both teams eliminate each other faster.  One day one of the two teams achieved total victory.  They announced to the world about how they have eliminated all the people from the other team and how their god granted them victory.

Once this announcement was made the plan for evacuation had been going on for so long and they were sure all the peaceful people had already fled so at the time of the announcement the cursed land of Laeris was air bombed with the largest payload of non nuclear explosives and then after the air bombing more than ten thousand nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles were used until all the sand turned into glass and the cursed counterfeit so called ancient temple over which the conflict occurred was destroyed so completely that not one brick could be found standing on another and not a single object could be found that could with certainty be identified as part of that building.

After this there was peace at last in Laeris.

More than one hundreds years later after the radiation of more than ten thousand nukes over a small area of about 22,000 square kilometers died out the  Palisade people and Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds could safely enter the cursed land of Laeris if they wanted to but their ancestors told them that "never again" should either Dim Shepherd, Ash Key Nagi or Palisade people enter the cursed land of Laeris so that peace may be maintained.

Ash Key Nagi, Dim Shepherd and Palisade people created a joint military force on the border to shoot anyone who tried to enter the cursed land of Laeris so that peace could be maintained but no one was stupid enough to ever again enter the cursed land of Laeris.  No archeological teams ever tried to enter the worthless cursed land of Laeris again as doing so would be considered an act of war.  And it was jointly agreed upon by the Ash Key Nagi, Dim Shepherd and Palisade people that if any archeological remains were brought by someone out of the cursed land of Laeris they should be incinerated with so much heat that they would turn entirely into gas and plasma and be completely destroyed so that no one would fight over the ownership of such cursed artifacts.  If any non-human animal was in that cursed land and was injured it was agreed that no veterinary team shall cross the border to help them in order to prevent war.  If somehow a human was found in the cursed land by the border trying to walk out even though none should have survived the ten thousand nukes to have descendants living in that land  who could escape it was agreed that they should be shot.  No plane or other aerial vehicle was permitted to fly over or to close to the cursed land of Laeris so that none would accidentally land in it and have people who survived the crash try to walk out the border as anyone who crossed the border was already declared to be shot as punishment so that no one may ever enter and fight over the ownership of the cursed land of Laeris again.

And peace was maintained for the most part among their peoples and they became friends and allies with one another for the most part.  Occasionally members from the Ash Key Nagi, Dim Shepherd and Palisade people groups committed crimes just as people from all other groups with a significantly large number of people committed crimes from time to time but the crimes were no longer motivated by bigotry against other people groups and just motivated by the regular reasons people commit crimes and those crimes were condemned by people as a whole from the Ash Key Nagi, Dim Shepherd and Palisade people groups instead of celebrated by the majority of Ash Key Nagi, the majority of Dim Shepherds and the minority of Palisade people as such things would have been celebrated in the past on the grounds of bigotry.

It is not one ninth

Title : It is not one ninth


It is not one ninth

Billy was given homework with converting repeating or terminal decimals into fractions and converting fractions into repeating or terminal decimals

The back of his textbook gave answers to the odd numbered problems as examples but he was required to answer the even numbered problems

He was supposed to write a short answer as a fraction or a repeating or terminal decimal in a similar format to the back of the book but instead he wrote essay answers for the repeating decimals and short answers for the terminal decimals

Here is an example of the kind of answers he gave

( 1 / 9 ) - 0.1 = ( 1 / 9 ) - ( 1 / 10 ) =
( 10 / 90 ) - ( 9 / 90 ) = 1 / 90

1 / 9 - 0.11 = 1 / 90 - 1 / 100 = 1 / 900

0.2 - ( 1 / 9 ) = ( 2 / 10 ) - ( 1 / 90 ) = ( 18 / 90 ) - ( 10 / 90 ) = 8 / 90

0.12 - ( 1 / 9 ) = ( 12 / 100 ) - ( 100 / 900 ) = ( 108 / 900 ) - ( 100 / 900 ) = 8 / 900

0.112 - ( 1 / 9 ) = ( 112 / 1000 ) - ( 1000 / 9000 ) = ( 1008 / 9000 ) - ( 1000 / 9000 )
1.112 - ( 1 / 9 ) = 8 / 9000

0.1112 - ( 1 / 9 ) = ( 1112 / 10000 ) - ( 10000 / 90000 )
0.1112 - ( 1 / 9 ) = ( 10008 / 90000 )  - ( 10000 / 90000 ) = 8 / 90000

0.1 < 1 / 9 < 0.2
0.11 < 1 / 9 < 0.12
0.111 < 1 / 9 < 0.112
0.1111 < 1 / 9 < 0.1112

0.111...2 = limit as N approaches infinity of ( 1 / 9 ) + [ 8 * ( 10 ^ - N ) / 9 ]
0.111...1 = limit as N approaches infinity of ( 1 / 9 ) - [ ( 10 ^ - N ) / 9 ]

No matter how many ones you put behind the decimal point it is always less than one ninth

So although repeating ones after the decimal point gets you closer to one ninth it is never equal to one ninth no matter how many ones you put

If you want to represent one ninth as a decimal of a finite number of digits using all ones for every digit after the decimal point gives you the closest possible result and putting all ones except for the second digit being a two gives you the second closest possible result

So although it is the best approximation for one ninth as a decimal a zero followed by a decimal point followed by a string of ones is only as close to one ninth as you can represent it but never equal to one ninth

Here is another example

0.6 - ( 2 / 3 ) = ( 18 / 30 ) - ( 20 / 30 ) = - 2 / 30
0.66 - ( 2 / 3 ) = (  198 / 300 ) - ( 200 / 300 ) = - 2 / 300
0.666 - ( 2 / 3 ) = ( 1998 / 3000 ) - ( 2000 / 3000 ) = - 2 / 3000
0.7 - ( 2  / 3 ) = ( 21 / 30 ) - ( 20 / 30 ) = + 1 / 30
0.67 - ( 2 / 3 ) = ( 201 / 300 ) - ( 200 / 300 ) = + 1 / 300
0.667 - ( 2 / 3 ) = ( 2001 / 3000 ) - ( 2000 / 3000 ) = + 1 / 3000

0.6 < 2 / 3 < 0.7
0.66 < 2 / 3 < 0.67
0.666 < 2 / 3 < 0.667

0.666...7 = limit as N approaches infinity of ( 2 / 3 ) + [ ( 10 ^ - N ) / 3 ]
0.666...6 = limit as N approaches infinity of ( 2 / 3 ) - [ 2 * ( 10 ^ - N ) / 3 ]

No matter how many sixes are in a row after the decimal point it is always less than two thirds so a string of sixes is not two thirds but only approaches two thirds up to as close as you want without ever equalling it.  

Furthermore if the last digit is changed from a six to a seven it is always closer to two thirds then if the last written digit is a six therefore two thirds would always be more closely approximated not by a string of sixes but by a string of sixes with the last digit replaced with a seven therefore it is not best policy to represent two thirds as a string of sixes but as a string of sixes with the last digit replaced with a seven if your goal is to write a number as to close to two thirds as possible in decimal format with a certain number of digits.

Here is how the teacher responded

Billy's teacher reading this was about to mark the paper with a big F because the answer in the back of the book is one ninth and Billy's answer disagreed with the answer in the back of the teacher's edition of the textbook

But then Billy's teacher remembered Billy was a clab person and diagnosed with a learning disability

She suddenly decided to give Billy an A plus instead

Now Billy's teachers photocopied all the homework she graded and also gave the students a copy of the homework and told them to keep it so that if there are mistakes in the grading process they can go back to the original

One day Billy's teacher found out that Billy and Billy's parents had political views she disagreed with

She went back and told Billy I am sorry I made a mistake grading that paper earlier you actually got an F

Her obligation to give good grades to Cklab people and people with learning disabilities did not apply to people with politically incorrect opinions after all

The system only punished people who gave bad grades to Cklab people if the Cklab people were on the correct side politically

If the Cklab people were on the wrong side politically she would be rewarded for giving them bad grades because after all they betrayed all other Cklab people by having opinions, ideas, values or beliefs that do not represent the official positions of the media

The primary reason after all for giving Cklab people special immunity is because they were doing what the media wanted them to do to a greater extent than the Shining people so they were generally given the benefit of the doubt unless proven to express wrong viewpoints

Dinosaur Museum Adventure

Dinosaur Museum Adventure Fiction Billy was going on a guided a tour of a museum to look at dinosaurs There was a animatronic dinosaur in fr...