Sunday, October 15, 2023

The power to censor zero

Title : The power to censor zero


Billy was asked for his math homework 

Can you divide a number by zero, why or why not?

Billy said 

Multiplication is like repeated addition

If you take zero and add zero to it

No matter how many times you do it you still end up with zero

Therefore no real positive whole number times zero can equal another real positive whole number greater than zero

Therefore there are no real  positive whole number solutions to any real positive whole number greater than zero divided by zero

If you multiply any complex number by zero you get zero

Therefore there is no complex number you can multiply zero by to get a number other than zero

Therefore there is no complex number solution that works for any complex number other than zero divided by zero

However you can divide zero by zero and the set of all complex numbers is the solution because any complex number times zero equals zero

0 * Any complex number = 0

0 / 0 = Any complex number

0 / 0 = Set of all complex numbers

The back of the book did not mention a solution exists to zero divided by zero and simply said you can not divide by zero.  Since Billy's teacher was not a critical thinker and just used the answers in the back of the book and also did not like Billy's political leanings she marked Billy's answer as wrong because it did not agree with the answer in the back of the teacher's edition

Another question on Billy's homework was what is any number to the zero power?

Billy wrote

X^0 = X ^ A / X ^ A = B / B = 1

Any number except for zero to the zero power has one and only one solution which is equal to one because it is equivelent to that number divided by itself.

Zero to the zero power however is an exception in that it has multiple solutions in addition to the solution of one

Zero to the zero has a solution of one because any number to the zero power equals one

Zero to the zero has an additional solution of zero because zero to any power equals zero

Zero to the zero power however has even more solutions than that and in fact is solved by the set of all complex numbers because zero to the zero power equals zero divided by zero which is solved by the set of all complex numbers as I already proved

Any number to the zero power is 1

Zero to any power is 0

0 / 0 = Set of all complex numbers

1 / 0 = no solution within set of complex numbers

0 / Any complex number = 0

0 ^ 0 = 0 ^ 1 / 0 ^ 1 = 0 / 0 = set of all complex numbers

0 ^ 0 = 0 ^ A / 0 ^ A = 0 / 0 = set of all complex numbers

The back of the book did not mention a solution other than zero exists for any number  to the zero power.  Since Billy's teacher was not a critical thinker and just used the answers in the back of the book and also did not like Billy's political leanings she marked Billy's answer as wrong because it provided additional ideas that were not found in the back of the book and anything not in the curriculum handed down to her by the social instituition that decides the curriculum was wrong to think about and must as of a duty be censored.   

The next day after Billy handed in his homework a new updated syllabus to the class saying that zero to the zero power and zero divided by zero must not be mentioned in class and that mentioning them other than in the context of explaining that they are against the code of conduct to mention is a violation of the code of conduct

Billy was then given his homework back with his answers to those questions highlighted with black ink so that his original answers could not be read, on the side where there was blank space and his writing as well as the black ink were absent the following words appeared in red ink, "Wrong answer!  Violation of the code of conduct!  One week after school, before school, lunch and recess detention, with no verbal, written, non verbal or other forms of communication permitted during detention.  Any attemp to appeal that involves mentioning things forbidden to mention in the code of conduct will result in a further deduction of your grade and further detention as well as additional disciplinary action as is necessary to prevent further harmful speech that violates the code of conduct."  On top of his paper was another F in big red ink.

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