Friday, October 13, 2023

Add or remove sensitive content warnings in blogger

Title : How to add or remove sensitive content warnings in blogger

Non Fiction

If you accidentally get this "Sensitive Content Warning" and you have no pictures or videos on your blog and only text then you definitely did not post any picture or video that legally should only be seen by an audience 18 or older because you did not post any picture or video at all.  

That might mean you accidentally turned on an "adult content warning" which might appear as a "sensitive content warning"  

Or perhaps for ethical, moral or legal reasons you might want to turn on an "adult content warning"

Either way is an explanation about how to turn it on or off.  This does not explain whether or not it should be on or off from a legal, ethical or moral viewpoint but only how to do it.

Here is a picture of what the sensitive content warning currently looks like.

If you want to turn off adult content then here are the steps.

0 These steps might change at a later time this is posted on Friday the 13th on October 2023.  Some people believe Friday the 13th is a day of bad luck where bad things happen more often like blogger settings accidentally changing.  If these instructions no longer work then you might have to look elsewhere for instructions or figure it out on your own.

1A You need to be the administrator or admin for the blog not merely the author to control this setting.  You can contact the admin if you are an author working for an admin.  Sometimes an admin of a blog can invite someone to be an author of a blog who can write content but can not control certain settings.  If the admin needs instructions you can email them a link to this article.

1B If you want the warning on some articles but not other articles you might want to put the articles with a sensitive content warning on a different blog then the articles without the sensitive content warning.  One admin can manage multiple blogs.

2 Log into blogger

3 Select the blog where you want to turn the adult content warning on or off

4 Select settings

5A Find the switch to turn on and off adult content warning 

5B Take note of how it was set before you choose the settings.  You might want to write a record of the day and the time and the setting in case this switch flips on it's own due to some individual or robot flagging your content and not by accident

5C Set the switch where you want it to be

5D You might have to save or confirm the settings after flipping the switch or you might not depending on how blogger currently works

Here is a picture of where to find the switch under settings

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