Friday, August 4, 2023

Drowning Wall

 Drowning Wall


Steve was going to college and new to the area.  His parents told him do not play in the river or you will drown.  He heard stories about drunk people drowning in the river,  One day someone gave him a tour of different parts of the city.

He was shown the place where people drown in the river.  The story goes that someone was drunk and people were running after him and he continued to run until he fell in the river.

Steve was a lifeguard certified level swimmer and he knew that was not the real cause of death.  The real cause of death was a giant man made wall no one can climb with no ladder.

Even if someone was an olympic level swimmer or lifeguard level swimmer or navy seal or the best swimmer in the world there was a huge problem.  There was no way to get out at least unless you really thought about it for a long time.

Essentially someone who fell into that spot would have to swim forever until they found a spot with land on it to get out of the water.  Even the best swimmer in the world can not swim forever without a break.

Now maybe if the current is not too strong they could try to swim all the way to the other side of the river or follow the wall until it leads to an end where you can climb up to land or walk on shallow water.

Of course someone might say it was ok not to have a ladder because it would be instant death anyway but there are two problems with that.  

First do not presume the person's swimming ability maybe someone skilled enough could swim and survive in that location even if there is a strong current

Second if it is that deadly then at least put a guard rail to keep people from accidentally falling off if they get to close

But you can not put a guard rail everywhere a cliff too steep to climb naturally exists leading to a fall into the water

While you can not put one everywhere such a cliff naturally exists but this was a man made structure so the same person that made the giant wall could have put a ladder on the wall or a rail or slanted it so you can go up the wall if you fall into the water

When Steve got back to his home city he saw another man made wall that you can not climb next to another body of water with no guard rail and no latter

Steve concluded these things are everywhere and hoped some brave and or greedy lawyer would start suing governments to make these things safer. There is no need to create a man-made drowning problem with such walls next to water bodies but offer no man-made solutions such as latters or guard rails. 

Although these structures oppose a danger to all people they especially pose a danger to the blind, children and people in wheelchairs or at least that is one angle Steve thought lawyers could take.  Steve did not like the idea of resorting to making the lawsuit only about disability because these things are a safety hazard to all people not disabled people only but Steve would be ok with it if such a lawsuit changed building design for good on the basis of whatever grounds.

Night Fountain Bird

 Night Fountain Bird reveals already obvious safety hazard again


Steve was walking to the library at night to drop off a DVD

Steve opened the DVD case to make sure the DVD was in the DVD case and then shut it again

As he did this he got near a fountain at the library

He heard a sound like something fallen into the water but it sounded more like the sound of a animal moving water then like a dense and hard rock falling into water

Steve heard a sound like a animal squeaking not squawking but squeaking

Steve next heard the sound of wings flapping and saw what looked like a white bird flying away over distant trees

Steve wondered do geese, swans or ducks sleep in the water at night in fountains?  Or do birds take baths late at night?  Could a startled bird fall in the water?  Was there some other animal he did not see that drowned?

This fountain was a weird fountain.

Instead of spraying water into the air like a normal fountain, this fake fountain was more like a pool with a single stair.  At the shallow level of the pool water came in from a grate or pipe like those sewage pipes by some lakeshores or the grates that water comes and goes into and out of pools from.  And at the deep end of the pool which was not deep or wide enough to safely swim in was a grate on the floor of the pool that water went down into.

Most of the surface of the pool however was covered with a flat rusty looking metal covering so that if you dropped something in there you could not see it or pull it out.  On top of the rusty metal covering was a modern art sculpture.  Not a real sculpture but a modern art sculpture.

Every fall the water would get clogged up with leaves and he wondered about the government funds or wasted volunteer time to clean up the water so the fountain does not clog and if anyone got scraps and or infections from cleaning this piece of junk.

He always saw children biking and skateboarding near the fountain and viewed it as a tragic accident waiting to happen where some child hits the metal grate gets scrapped then falls into very unclean water which could not be cleaned as well as a normal fountain

This fountain could not be cleaned as well as a normal fountain because the metal covering blocked you from seeing items that needed to be cleaned and blocked you from grabbing items.  Steve wondered how many lost items were in that fountain and if anyone ever accidentally dropped library materials in it.

And now he realized small cute animals like squirrels, chipmunks, birds and fluffy dogs, cats and rabbits could fall in it and drown and no one would know to save them because of the big covering

Even if this was donated one should ask how much taxpayer money is spent to clean such a modern art safety hazard on public property

And if it was not donated but purchased with government funds one should ask how the corrupt artist got favors from a corrupt politician to be paid to build such a safety hazard

So Steve could never know for sure if what he heard was the bird leaving the fountain or another animal falling in and drowning to death after hearing the noise of him open fhe DVD case right before he saw a flying bird

Steve wished this piece of art was split into two halves the sculpture and metal covering removed and put somewhere else on display away from water.  And the pool was made open with no covering, maybe even made into a pool small children can play in  or replaced with a real fountain.

But he knew no one would do anything about it because who is he to get rid of a pretty safety hazard.  It would be called unsafe to have such a small pool for children to play in.  You can not play in a fountain because it is unsafe or uncivilized.  He knew a person who said he got a ticket for playing in a fountain while drunk.

But it is much safer for children to play in a pool with no cover than for them to play in a covered pool with just enough opening to fall into but just enough covering to have trouble getting out of.

Sometimes Steve wondered if things were made dangerous like that on purpose in the name of art and safety just for laughs of some evil people trying to harm children in the name of enriching children's lives.

Heck there could be a whole tunnel system with an evil lair under the fountain which a amphibian race of humanoids misnamed lizard people or evil human traffickers in scuba suits come out and snatch children who play too close to the fountain or even lone adults when no one is looking because so much of it was covered.  Like one of those children tales, do not wander here or go too close to this or that place especially when you are alone without adults or monsters will snatch you.  

That sounds a lot more interesting than, do not play in the fountain because some unwise adult put a cover over it so you might drown when no one is looking and even if you do not drown it is really really dirty in fact so dirty it could kill you because of that same alleged artistic genius's safety blunder.

It is much more exciting to tell them a lake or river or sea monster will kill you than to tell children not to play unsupervised near the water or they are more likely to drown.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Fake Pyramids

 Fake Pyramids


Steve was watching television and someone on TV claimed the pyramids were not built to house dead people.  They claimed the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt were actually modern inventions not from times Before Christ but more than 1000 years after Jesus Christ made after 1000 AD.  He thought he knew what TV channel he was watching but he could never find the program on the channel he thought he was watching in any sort of rerun.  

It could have been that what was said about the pyramids was not the main point of the TV presentation but just a side comment the presenter mentioned in a presentation that was mainly talking about something else.

He again years later saw an online video by a most likely different presenter claiming this and planned to finish watching the video later but somehow could not find the link ever again.  

Here are the main points of what the presenter or presenters claimed

The pyramids and sphinx only showed up in maps after 1000 AD

The pyramids and sphinx were part of something similar to a theme park or amusement park or man made tourist attraction 

The size and or number of the pyramids and other structures of interest on these maps or tourist brochures increased over time

That is they were remodeled by modern humans to make them larger so they would be more attractive to tourists and therefore more profitable

New structures were also built over time so that there would be more pyramids and other structures of interest to attract tourists and thus make more profit

The pyramids were not created to bury people

Friday, July 21, 2023

Spiz Rail E Terrorists

Spiz Rail E Terrorists


Names have been changed to prevent Decrossed Spiz Rail E sensors from bombing this blog

Historical Background prior to the life of Bobby Peace Heart

63 BCE as a result of the vices in Spiz Rail the nation of Spiz Rail becomes weak and is easily occupied by the nation of Dome whose military possesses the virtues of self control, discipline, patience, perseverance, persistence, temperance and moderation to a greater degree than the Spiz Rail E culture which in general is more hedonistic and superstitious.

The year is 33 ACE Spiz Rail E clergy who follow the Decrossed religion order a Airplane Pilot from the nation of Dome to execute Joshua on a tall wooden pole or stake hanging him to death on a tree threatening to have their Spiz Rail E Decrossed followers riot and kill lots of Dome citizens if the innocent man Joshua is not executed.  The Airplane Pilot gives in and executes the innocent man Joshua.  The Spiz Rail E clergy also insists that a Spiz Rail E terrorist murderer guilty of beheading Dome children named Barney the Barber is released.

Some Spiz Rail E people believe that Joshua has come back from the dead as a ghost.  Joshua's ghost teaches them the way of peace and forgiveness and those Spiz Rail E people who listen to his ghost and take heed to his words create a new religion called Ex Tian Ism.  Joshua's ghost condemns the decrossed religion as being violent, fraudulent and incompatible with the way of peace and forgiveness.  All Decrossed religious practitioners who become Ex Tian people reject the religion of Decrossing upon become Ex Tians.  Some Spiz Rail E Ex Tian religious practitioners teach the Ex Tian religion to the people of Dome.

Decrossed Spiz Rail E people have scammed Dome citizens by lending money they do not have, they also have beheaded many innocent Dome children and set the children of Dome on fire worshipping their salt king god melach.  Decrossed Spiz Rail E people spread super standard deviations and human deformities including heretible psychological or mental illness resulting in sociopathy, psychopathy, shizophrenia and psychosis by having sax with animals and incest and aduletery as part of their religious traditions.  They spread the Standard Deviation of Sith Phallus through their religious sax rituals causing mental illness in the people they had sax with.

Tired of all the financial scheming and psychopathic and sociopathic behavior such as murderous rioting, Titan the Terrific is ordered to destroy the decrossed Spiz Rail Temple in 70 ACE.  The destruction of the temple fulfills the prophecy made by Joshua before his execution.

All Spiz Rail E people who follow the decrossed religion are eventually expelled from Dome but the peaceful and forgiving Spiz Rael E people who are Ex Tians stay in Dome.

The decrossed Spiz Rail E people migrate to the North into the lands of gog and magog and start claiming that only the Spiz Rail E people from the lands of Gog and Magog who follow the decrossed religion are true Spiz Rail E people and they deny that the Ex Tian Spiz Rail E people living in the land of Spiz Rail conquered by Dome are truly Spiz Rail E people they start calling them Fish People and claim that they are their enemies who worship the fish god Dagger Mon and that they are trying to genocide the Spiz Rail E people.  They use this false claim as an excuse to try to exterminate all the people of Dome and their descendants as well as all the followers of the Extian religion and later the followers and descendants of the Spiz Rail E person named Mo Peace Heart who created his own religion called Submit to Peace who the decrossed Spiz Rail People call a Fish Person and refuse to admit his Spiz Rail E ancestry.

The Decrossed Spiz Rail E people from Gog and Magog planned to genocide the country of Yergam A Knee so Fadol Lither had them put into work camps to teach them how to do honest work instead of financial scams and planned to deport them to the country of the Gassy Mad Hatter without executing any of them.

The Decrossed Spiz Rail E people order people who borrowed money from them to bomb Yergam A Knee and destroy their own food supply but blame Fadol Lither for the deaths in the camps due to starvation that they caused to happen their own people.  After defeating Yergam A Knee the decrossed Spiz Rail E people violently re enter the lands of Spiz Rail E which are full of peaceful Spiz Rail E people who practice the religions of Ex Tian Ism and Submission to peace who they claim are fish people trying to genocide the true Spiz Rail E people.  The Decrossed Spiz Rail E people from the lands of Gog and Magog kill the Spiz Rail E people living in Spiz Rail who practice other religions in massive numbers.

End of historical backstory and Start of the short life of Bob Peace Heart

Bob Peace Heart was a true Spiz Rail E and practitioner of the religion of submission to peace and always wanted peace but Decrossed Spiz Rail E soldiers killed his children, his wife and his parents in front of him and were about to kill him when they somehow miraculously missed him with a bullet and he ran out of the building where his family was being killed and hid from his assailants.  He later peacefully escaped to the country of Gym Bells.

He was living in the country of Gym Bells for some time when he saw on television the November 9 bombing of the Central Earth Trade Buildings.  The news insisted that people from the religion of Submit To Peace from the country of Eye Quarry are to be blamed and that the country of Eye Quarry should be invaded to stop future terrorists from attacking the land of Spiz Rail.  He saw the children from the country of Eye Quarry being bombed on the news.

Later on the news a news anchor provided coverage talking about the Spiz Rail E secret intelligence service members dancing and celebrating at the November 9 bombing.  He noticed how that news anchor was fired and the news coverage was deleted from the news channel's news archive.  He knew the Decrossed Spiz Rail E people were truly responsible for the bombing of the Central Earth Trade Buildings.

He committed his life to preventing the Decrossed Spiz Rail E people from any more bombing of children after learning about the true nature of the war against the country of Eye Quarry and the November 9 bombings.  He decided to bomb the Spiz Rail E weapons of mass destruction manufacturing factories so they could make no more weapons of mass destruction instead of bombing humans like the Decrossed Spiz Rail E people do.

One day Decrossed Spiz Rail E secret intelligence officers pretended to be his friend and were very kind and polite to him until the point where he invited them over to his apartment for lunch.  He cooked them a meal and they were friendly and ate the meal knowing it would not be poisonous because he was from the religion of Submission to Peace and not a treacherous Decrossed person like themselves.  They then said goodbye as they left with a smile on their face acting like they were his friends.  But they left a bomb in his apartment.

They watched the apartment window from a building roof while wearing binoculars at a distance.  When they could see him through the window they pressed the remote control trigger to the bomb and watched his apartment room explode resulting in his death.

They were later celebrated on the news.  The news claimed that stunning and brave Spiz Rail E secret intelligence service members stopped a fish person terrorist from the religion of submission to peace living in the country of Gym Bells who planned to bomb civilian children by assassinating this terrorist with a bomb.  

The world is at peace once again thanks to Spiz Rail.  Do not mess with Spiz Rail.

This news description could not be further from the truth as Bob Peace Heart was planning on destroying the weapons of mass destruction factories in Spiz Rail to prevent the further bombing of civilian children.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Steve's Projected moon myth

 Steve's Projected moon myth


Steve once told a story of the time he saw a UFO as an entry in a  paranormal stories outlet that included both fiction, and stories that most people claim really happened to them, but most casual observers would think were fiction were they not regular fans of the outlet and so called true believers.  

But Steve did not tell the full truth, he changed some of the details of the story to have more accuracy and precision then they really did and added some parts that did not happen to him and omitted others that did.  Steve knew he was not intellectually capable of telling the full truth of what he saw with perfect memory and perfect measurements of space, light and time so he embraced his weaknesses and created a myth.  

He took his real life sighting but made many changes so that those who contemplated his story could better comprehend his main points.  In the past, he tried to tell the full truth to people but by including too many petty details he only confused them more. He found that by trying to tell the full truth the audience could understand a smaller percentage of the truth then if he told them lies and half truths to make the story simpler to understand.

Was Steve a liar?  In a sense, maybe, were he to tell his story, as a eye witness in a court setting but instead Steve put it in a science fiction contest so people would know that what he said was not true but fiction.  Of course calling it fiction was the lie because it really was true except for all the details that he changed.  Oh what a paradox this was.

This was Steven's story.

There was a ramp on a hill that alternated between going north and south as it went east and downward toward the lakefront.  There were also stairs that went straight east and downward. At the bottom of the hill and the stairs was a long wooden platform that ran north and south and east of that platform was the sandy lakefront.  About eight miles south of the lakefront was a major airport.

Steve was walking down the ramp toward the lakefront and then going back up the stairs going west away from the lakefront for exercise very late in the day but close enough that he should be able to complete his exercise repetitions before park closing hours.  Steve saw many planes passing south to the airport at a high angle of altitude.  At least one of them shined a search light whose beam appeared to brighten the ground immediately in front of  Steve's feet for a moment.  One of the times when Steve went up towards the top of the stairs he felt unusually dizzy, like he had vertigo or maybe low blood pressure and felt faint to a much greater degree than normal when doing this exercise.  He went back down the hill after this and walked to the south side of the wooden platform on the button of the hill.  He was going to decide if he should continue the exercise for many more repetitions or just go up the stairs one last time then quit.  Steve stared out toward the lake East of him.  

Suddenly Steve saw something unusual.  He saw what looked kind of like Amber, Dark Orange or Brown airplane lights but at an incredibly low angle of altitude.  They were East of him and were moving west towards him alternating between moving northwest and southwest while maintaining a low angle of altitude.  He could tell they were moving west toward him because they were getting bigger.  Underneath the lights the water seemed to move as if it were pushed by a downward wind seeming to come from the light source itself, that also appeared to push the water as though the wind was radiating horizontally away from the light source.  This was in addition to the regular water waves you would normally expect at that lake which he could see.  He could see the water waves and water surface more clearly close to him or close to the light source then far away from him and far away from the light source.

These did not look like normal airplane lights to Steve but Steve did not know much about Airplanes he had a PhD in biophysics but airplanes are not alive so although he was very knowledgeable in physics he hardly studied them at all anymore than any normal person outside the field of aviation.  The reason they looked different than normal to Steve was their configuration.  There were two rows of lights and many columns of lights.  The lights were arranged vertically in pairs with one light above and one below but horizontally there were many pairs of lights.  One could draw a vertical line of symmetry and also a horizontal line of symmetry for which the light pattern would be symmetric.  

After about five minutes the light pattern was replaced with another light pattern.  It changed shapes like a split cookie being pulled apart and then merged back together again.  Although often each half of the "cookie" looked more like a half of a yin yang symbol than like a half a circle with a straight line divide.  Yin Yang of course was not the only shape but it is a good example of the types of shapes formed because they were split but did not have jagged edges.  Some of the combinations where the object was in two halves could be divided symmetrically with a vertical and or horizontal line unlike a Yin Yang symbol but like a Ying Yang symbol still lacked jagged edges unlike a broken cookie.  Of course it is difficult to distinguish between two seperate objects or one object because the separate objects were often merging together to form a single object and the single object was often separating into two different objects as a continuous process rather than in separate and distinct stages.

The whole object or two split halves of the object depending on if it was merged or seperated was a mixture of red, orange and yellow and was completely filled in with red, orange and yellow colors with no gap in the object in which one of these colors was absent except the gap between the two pieces if it was split instead of completely merged.  This was unlike the previous object or the previous version of the same object that had a gap between every airplane like light. 

The object had multiple red, orange and yellow colors at the same time and the colors of the object were not in a symmetrical pattern only the object itself was symmetrical when it was symmetrical.

Sometimes one part was on top of the other and the other below and sometimes one part was to the left and the other to the right and sometimes it was only one object instead of being split into two parts.

When the two pieces were apart and horizontally separated the air in between the pieces was the same color as the rest of the sky was to the left and right or north and south of the object at the same angle of altitude.  When the two pieces were vertically separated the air in between the pieces was the same color as the rest of the air at the same angle of altitude.

This shape changing and color scheme continued for about five more minutes then this object was replaced by what looked like a full moon or perhaps the object was replaced by a full moon.  Once the object could be recognized as a moon and was stable no longer changing shape the color scheme changed.

The full moon had more of a off white or pale colors traditional moon color scheme and a dimmer light intensity.  Whereas the previous object had a much brighter light intensity and a stronger, deeper, more intense color scheme that was similar to sunset and sunrise red, orange and yellow.

This full moon was at a very low angle of altitude and was in the southwest portion of the sky to Steve's right as he looked eastward.  Since nothing further interesting occured and it was just an unchanging moon Andrew walked up the stairs and down the hill for 15 more minutes then decided to leave having achieved the number of times going up the stairs he desired which was one more than his previous number.  

Before Andrew left he looked at the moon and it was at a very high altitude and in the Northwest part of the sky to his left when he faced East.  This made no sense, the moon could not have traveled as far a horizontal angle from the Southwest to the Northwest in as little time as 15 minutes.  The moon also could not have traveled that far a vertical angle with such a great change in angle of altitude in so little time as 15 minutes.  

If the angle of altitude consistently changed at that rate as a normal event there would be multiple moon rises and moon sets every day, so clearly this was not a normal event but something very strange had happened.  

If the horizontal angle regarding north, east, south and west directions consistently changed at that rate as a normal event one could stand in the same place and see the moon horizontally go by you multiple times a day which also indicated that this was not a normal event but something very strange had happened.

After his last view of this odd moon position he decided to leave and walk home.  On Steve's way walking home he also saw many airplanes go by but one was extremely unusual.  Although this plane was very high in the sky in the sense that it was too high to have to worry about it crashing into buildings it might have been lower than usual because he could see the bottom of the plane in more detail then he was used to.  It looked like a normal passenger plane that would fly civilians from one airport to another for travel and not a military plane except for one peculiar detail.  On the bottom of the plane was an object which reflected dark orange, brown or amber light off its surface that stuck down below the main body of the plane and attached to that object was what looked like a light projector.

Steve thought the merging and unmerging broken cookie or yin yang symbol was probably projected by this plane as an artificial light show or illusion.  But then what of the moon, was the moon itself a projected illusion created by humans flying aircraft with projectors attached to them?  It seemed to Steve that this certainly would be the case but the moon was supposedly seen before the first human ever invented an airplane or hot air balloon.  Was the history of the moon and or the date humans invented aircraft then a lie in and of itself?  Or was this a really clever prank to project an illusion right around the time the moon comes up and show people the projector to make people doubt the existence of the moon so that observant people who are paying attention to their surroundings seem crazy for noticing these things and the moon was indeed a real object?

Or Steve wondered was this all in his misunderstandings having studied the physics of living things too often but having failed to observe the skies regularly being a Biophysicist not a Astronomer or Meteorologist.  Given that the object was very low in altitude and the moon would rise from a low altitude did Steve just happen to see some sort of normal human aircraft on a cloudy day only for the aircraft to disappear because a rising moon is a brighter object than that aircraft.  And the rising moon appeared to change shape because of moving clouds.  Were the moon colors red shifted due to the low altitude of the moon similar to how the sky turns red shifted near sunset and sunrise but is blue shifted near noon due to the different angle of altitude of the sun as a light source.  

Steve did not think so but was open to the possibility.  Steve looked up the time for the moon rise that day and found it was close to the time he was walking up and down the stairs.  But then how did the moon rise so fast?  Will that still did not make any sense but Steve decided to temporarily ignore that and play devil's advocate.  He looked up many moonrise videos on the internet including those where clouds block part of the moon.  

Although the sunset and sunrise-like red, orange and yellow color scheme seemed similar to the moonrise videos, that was the only thing they could explain.  Steve was convinced that a moon rise with clouds when compared to the many videos he watched could not explain the shape changing he saw nor the large change in angle of elevation in such a short time.  In fact, knowing the moonrise time further created a problem with the moon being so high in the sky so close to the time when it should still be rising and much lower in angle of altitude.

Steve tried to explain to people what he saw after this but he only confused them with too many petty details by trying to tell the whole truth.  He thought this was important but he did not know what to do until there was the story contest.  At last, I do not have to confuse them with the truthful petty details, because I could say I was not telling the truth, but a fiction story, Steve thought to himself.

Secret Habbad Meeting

 Secret Habbad Meeting

Andrew was walking home and there was a Habbad synagogue on the route he walked home from.  He saw six white adult males waiting outside the synagogue gated fence.  This was most unusual because they were not dressed in Jewish clothing.  Andrew asked the men if they were waiting for a meeting at that synagogue which he pointed to.  They said there was a community meeting.  Andrew asked them why they were going to a community meeting at that synagogue but not dressed in orthodox Jewish clothing.  They said because they were not Jews.  Andrew said he would like to know what the community meeting in which none Jews are invited is in case he would like to come.  They gave him an intimidating scary and angry look and said it is a closed community meeting and you can not come.   Instead of asking further details into what the nature of this secret closed community meeting is, Andrew left rather than risk the consequences of angry men punishing him for trying to know the secret.  Can there even be a "community" meeting that is closed to the community?  Can it be a community meeting if it is secret from the community?  Why would a peaceful interfaith meeting with no nefarious intention to outsiders be closed from most people of other faiths except a select few henchmen?

Friday, July 7, 2023

Fourth of July Time Warp

 Fourth of July Time Warp

It was on the fourth of July.  There were multiple counties that border lakes that had firework displays at each of their local parks near the lakefront.

I walked to the park in my county to look at what they have for the event.  

On the sidewalk of the major street leading to the park there were lots more people walking and most of the women were in bikinis.  Some of the people said there are always fights that happen at this event every year.  As I got one street crossing away from the park I could see there was a police car and multiple police officers on guard in case something happens.

The lakefront was on the bottom of a hill with stairs to reach it and the stairs by the gate had a sign saying they were closed today.  

There was a lookout spot that could hold many people with bars and rails to keep people from falling off and on the lookout spot was a group of people having brasswind instruments similar to a high school band.

I walked around the lawn on the top of the park and there were lots of people with alcohol cans or bottles in their hands or holding packs of alcohol cans.

I then left to walk away to the north and look at what the next county's park and firework display was doing.

Once I got near there I could hear country Western Music being played from loudspeakers.  Again this park also had a hill leading down to the lake and I walked to the area by the hill.  The entire hill was blocked with a long strip of orange net material so that there was no way to go down to the lake without interfering with the netting material and probably getting in trouble.

I decided to walk on the start of the netting material on the south end and walk by it all the way to the north end.  Near the north end there was what looked like a giant cut down tree stump so wide it was of prehistoric proportions.  Instead of being cut low near the bottom of the tree as one might normally due with dead trees it was cut high up higher than I am tall plus the height I could reach my hands.  The tree stump might have had a 9 foot wide diameter and been cut at about 9 feet high. It appeared to be cut near the bottom of two different branches that merged off the main trunk at about 9 feet high.  It was hard to tell was this a real tree, or a rock formation, or a man made sculpture or a petrified tree except what kind of saw would cut through a petrified tree.  It looked like it had artificially smooth surfaces.  If it was a man made sculpture it was odd that there was no plaque of dedication explaining who donated money for it or who the artist was.

Somehow there were multiple boys just sitting on top of the tree and one adult man standing by the cut tree stump.  I wondered how they could even have gotten up there on top of it although I could see how it might be possible if someone helped put them there but it might not be easy because shoulders get weak as they arm goes above shoulder height.  I would imagine the man lifted them only part of the way up high enough to grab the tree with their hands above their own shoulder height and pull themselves up.

I asked the man if he ever remembered that object being there before and he said it was the first time he was ever in the park.  I told him I have been to that park many times for years and never remembered that object being there.  I could maybe imagine there might have been a tree there because there were many trees in the park but never a giant tree stump cut so high.  I then told him goodbye and left.

As I got near the street to leave the park there was an old lady.  I said I suppose you are wanting to cross the street also.  I left the moment there was a break in car travel although probably not at a normal location to cross but traffic was unusual and I wanted to walk the moment there was a break rather than finding the correct place to cross as I usually would.  She followed me.

I then started walking North to the next park by a lake front in the next county I knew of.  I noticed she was following me.  I told her I was going that way pointing north to the next park to see if they have a fireworks display there and she said she was walking north also.  

I told her how the previous park South of the one we were at had a music band that looked like a high school music band and she asked if they were playing swing music.  I told her I did not know but they looked like the type of instruments in a high school band such as brasswind instruments.

I explained that most people would look up if the events occur on a smartphone to see if there were fireworks at the next park but I do not know if they will actually be there because I do not choose to use a smartphone since I think people who depend on smart phones tend to become more stupid.  I explained I am only guessing there might be fireworks at the next park based on a pattern but can not be sure they will be there without looking it up on the internet where I live which I suppose I could have done before leaving but did not bother to do.

She told me she did not know what a smartphone is and does not have the internet where she lives.  I told her it was a type of cell phone that has the internet and is like a computer.  She told me she doesn't know what a cell phone is.  I showed her my old fashioned flip phone with the numbers to dial.  She asked if you can get one of those in stores.  I told her you can buy them at the mall.  She asked at what store you can buy them at the mall.  I mentioned the specific brand name store but told her there are also many other stores where you can buy them.

Now in the conversation she told me she was part of a marching band and that she came from the same community I did to the south even living near the same street I said I live near.  Even though she came from another community she was at this location because she started out somewhere else with the marching band and it went through several locations and ended at the last park I was at.  I asked her why she is walking to the North if her community is from the South and she said she is just walking this way for exercise.

I told her the park I was going to would involve more than a five mile walk.  Although technically it might have been less than five miles away I figured once you walk back it might end up being five miles and it is better to overestimate it then underestimate it if you are preventing someone from walking too far and getting in a bad situation they can not handle well.  She then said she would turn around then.  Apparently I would guess she just decided she would follow me whatever direction I was going for exercise.  I never told her to go to the park with me or to follow me but she said she was going the same direction I pointed saying I was going.

As she turned around and went the other direction I looked to make sure she was walking toward people and fortunately there were other people walking north a visible distance away that were south of me which she would have had to walk by.

I wonder if she had heat stroke and did not know what was going on or had some sort of cognitive disability or if she was from another time period like in the twilight zone or zone where normal things do not happen not to know what a cell phone is, this might also explain the prehistoric petrified tree out of place in time.  

I am hoping whoever she ran into would help her if she got in some trouble but was glad not to be around that person and in trouble if she got heat stroke or got into some sort of trouble while I was there far away from other people that could help her and that would be eyewitnesses if she suddenly passed out or started acting crazy.  I suppose looking back I should have asked her if she was feeling dehydrated but her clothes looked dry although that would not necessarily mean she was not dehydrated especially if her sweat evaporated in the heat or she did not drink enough water to sweat.

When I finally got to the third park there was a group of Asian people talking in some tonal Asian language late at night after sunset but no group of anyone else.  I asked them if there were fireworks there and they said no.  I thought I could go down the hill to look but figured I might slip and fall in the dark.  Seeing no other people and no large crowd I figured there probably was no firework display at that park and those people were simply breaking park curfew.  Normally I would not be in parks after hours but I figured if they have an after hours display at the park they make an exception to the curfew rules for that day.  Since I guessed there was no display I left so as not to be hassled by police for staying up late in the park after hours.

Dinosaur Museum Adventure

Dinosaur Museum Adventure Fiction Billy was going on a guided a tour of a museum to look at dinosaurs There was a animatronic dinosaur in fr...