Saturday, September 30, 2023

The shining ones


The Shining people and the Land of the Shining Ones 

There was a region called "the Land of Cold and Darkness" to the north of "the Sunny Land."

Although there was a large block of water between "the Land of Cold and Darkness" and "the Sunny Lands" there was a tiny landbridge that connected the southeast corner of "the Land of Cold and Darkness" to the northeast corner of "the Sunny Lands."

The land bridge actually was a very small extension of a very large section of land shaped like an axe head called "the Middle Lands."

East of "the Middle Lands" was "the Land Beyond the Mysterious Mountains."

One of the countries in "the Land Beyond the Mysterious Mountains" was called Rogea.

East of "the Land Beyond the Mysterious Mountains" was a region called "the Beautiful Lands" by the people of Rogea and east of "the Beautiful Lands" were "the Sunny Lands" and "the Land of Cold and Darkness" as when one travels far enough east they end up back where they started.

The Cklab people lived in "the sunny lands" and their skin had a larger amount of a special substance called Chemical M than the Shining people.

Chemical M blocked sunlight and since Shining people had less chemical M it made them shine brighter in the sun than the Cklab people.

Chemical M protected the Cklab people from sunlight but came at a price of requiring them to experience more sunlight than the Shining people to prevent weak bones.

The Shining people would have worse health in "the sunny lands" and the Cklab people would have worse health in "the land of cold and darkness" without special technology.

A certain group of the "Middle people" from "the Middle Lands" called the Palisades were descendants of a man named Abba who shined like the shining people.

His great grandson Joey could understand the predictive power of some special dreams by the power of his god or perhaps Joey knew the cycles of nature and could fake understanding the meaning of dreams enough to convince King Sparrow of "the Miserable Lands" which were located in the north east section of "the Sunny Lands" that Joey knew the meaning of one of King Sparrows dreams in terms of what the future would be.

Joey told King Sparrow that there would be seven years in which abundant excess food would grow followed by seven years in which there would not be enough food for people to live.

Joey advised King Sparrow to take twenty percent of all the food grown in the first seven years as a tax and put it in storehouses and then use the storehouses to feed people for the next seven years when not enough food would grow.

Now saving up twenty percent of your food to prevent future starvation was a good plan but Joey changed it from a good plan to a very unethical plan.

Whether or not Joey's god inspired him to know the future or Joey just knew the trends of the weather and climate and factors that affect food growth in the miserable lands is unknown.

But what is known is that Joey exploited this situation for evil purposes that the god which Joey claimed to worship never told him to do

You see the god that Joey claimed to worship prohibited stealing and scamming and kidnapping people without a justifiable reason like if the people having their objects confiscated or being lied to or being abducted were committing or trying to commit a specific wrong doing.

What Joey did he never claimed this god told him to do according to the records of the life of Joey nor did they line up with the principles of the god Joey claimed to worship as recorded in the records of the laws this god gave or other records of the words of this god.

When the seven years came Joey acted like the food that the people saved in their own emergency food fund which rightfully belonged to the people paying the tax for the fund and not Joey belonged to Joey and not the taxpayers.  What were these taxes?  The taxes were the food the people who grew or farmed the food put into storage so they could eat their own food they themselves stored when the supply ran low.

Joey would not let them have any of the food unless they agreed to be a slave to Joey.

Sparrow, impressed that Joey saved them from starvation allowed him to do his scam to all but a small group of people selected by the Sparrow such as the Sparrow's priests.

Perhaps Sparrow went along with it because he thought it would give him more control over the people since Joey had to obey the Sparrow or be executed and the people now willingly agreed to be Joey's slaves

Now Joey had a father named Laeris.  Joey let Laeris and Laeris's wives and Laeris's descendants who were alive at the time move down to live with Joey and share in managing his slaves.

Because of Joey's fraudulent and unethical scam to enslave people in the Miserable Lands the descendants of Laeris became hated by the people in the Miserable Lands in future generations and also hated by the descendant of the Sparrow who was the new King.

Eventually the King who was the descendant of the Sparrow expelled them and they returned to "the Middle Lands."

Now early on Laeris's descendants Shined like the Shining people but through having offspring with both Cklab immigrants from the "the Sunny Lands" and Shining immigrants from "the Land of Cold and Darkness" that were near the area they live and to adjust to the levels of sunlight they started to tend to have a middle amount of Chemical M between that of the Shining people from "the land of cold and darkness" and Cklab people "the shining lands"

Laeris descendants primarily split into two religions "the circle religion" and "the tea religion."  The tea religion was so named because it's symbol was shaped like a letter T or t or X or x.  And the circle religion was named because when they signed documents they refused to write the letters t or x and instead wrote a circle.  Although they loved to write circles instead of the letter x or t they became very angry when people called them Circles because they did not like the truth about them to be exposed and loved to hide their affiliation or group identity when they committed wrongdoings against people outside the Circle religion.

Laeris descendants who were members of the tea religion stayed in "the middle lands" and began to be called the Palisade people but those who practiced the Circle religion were caught committing to many wrongdoings and were justly, rightfully and mercifully banished or expelled from "the Middle Lands" by the current rulers of that region ( at the time of the expulsion ) who would have had every right to simply execute most of them, most of whom would have done their best to murder or enslave everyone else in those lands if not imprisoned, executed or exiled.  

Exiling them was considered a better choice in terms of justice in order to protect the small minority of people with fathers or mothers who were Circle people who were not guilty of such wrong doing mostly because they were not old enough to continue the murderous religion their parents were teaching them yet.  The thinking was that it might not be just to punish them for a murderous lifestyle that a small percent of them might choose not to continue by making a choice to abandon the Circle religion as adults.  Although such an action was merciful to the Circle people and the children of Circle people at that time it may have resulted in far more other people being murdered by the descendants of the Circle people in the future than the number of Circle people who did not deserve execution who were saved by merely being exiled or banished at that time period.

Laeris descendants who were members of the Circle religion then converted large numbers of shining people in other regions most especially the region of Zhakaria to the Circle religion.  And so for a short time in history called the Zhakaria conversion "explosion" most people who practiced the Circle religion were not descendants of Laeris at all because there were more converts without Laeris ancestry than people with Laeris ancestry who practiced the Circle religion.  But some of the converts to the Circle religion who were not descendants of Laeris had offspring with the other descendants of Laeris who practiced the circle religion and so a gradually increasing proportion of future practitioners of the circle religion began to have a negligible but non zero percent ancestry from Laeris.  The percent ancestry from Laeris of the practitioners of the circle religion was much less than half as much as the percent ancestry from Laeris of the Palisade people who practiced the tea religion when comparing the average mean percent ancestry of the two groups.

Now some of the Palisade people who practiced the Tea religion traveled all over the world to convert people to the Tea religion and since the Land of Cold and Darkness and the northeastern portion of the Sunny Lands were so close to the Middle lands, eventually almost every Shining person in the Land of Cold and Darkness and almost everyone in the northeastern portion of the Sunny Lands had at least one ancestor who was a descendant of Laeris as some of the people from the Palisades who were descendants of Laeris would have offspring with converts to the Tea religion who were not descendants of Laeris.  But again most of the people from those regions had less than half the percent ancestry from Laeris of the Palisade people who practiced the Tea religion and lived in the Middle Lands.

Some of the Palisade people who practiced the Tea religion and lived in the Middle lands converted to the religion of Peace.

Now by the time the people of the Circle religion first discovered the Beautiful Lands even though other people already discovered it before them and were living there the circle people already had less than half the percent ancestry of Laeris of the Palisade people living in the Middle Lands and no better a claim of ancestry to Laeris than the Cklab people and Shining people in the north east portion of the Sunny Lands or the Shining people from the land of Cold and Darkness

Yet by this time the Circle people have already claimed they were superior to the Shining people who practiced the Tea religion and the Cklab people on the grounds of their ancestry claiming people who practice the Circle religion have a shared ancestry of Laeris that other people do not making them superior to all other people in the world.

The Circle people claimed that all people who practice the Tea religion should be executed and all people who were not descendants of Laeris should be enslaved by the Circle people.

The Circle people claimed there were two bloodlines that Circle people who practice the Circle religion can have both tracing matrilineally to Laeris.  The bloodline of the Dim Shepherds and the bloodline of the Ash Key Nagis.  They also claimed that if any member of the Circle people switched over to the Tea religion in spite of having either of these two bloodlines they should be executed.  They decided that any person who is not a matrilineal Ash Key Nagi or matrilineal Dim Shepherd should be enslaved

Now the Circle people upon discovering the Beautiful Land immediately started enslaving the people who already lived there but pretended to be shining people who practiced the tea religion who definitely were not circle people nor Ash Key Nagis nor Dim Shepherds.  

This is why the Circle people do not like being called Circles because they like to frame other people groups and do not like being caught.  Even though they stamp some of their food products in plain sight with the letter K surrounded by a circle they banned using the K word to refer to them signing documents with a circle and claim that K stands for a word to do with the type of food but keep the secondary meaning of the letter K representing a circle and their hatred for the letters t and x a secret.  If other people use the Circle people's own K word to call them Circles then they might get caught as having a true identity as Circle people and people might know it is Circle people doing it when Circle people commit wrong doings so the Circle people have banned the K word which means Circle in the language of the Circle people.

After enslaving the people who already lived in the Beautiful Land, the Circle people started importing Cklab people from the Sunny Land to the Beautiful Land to be their slaves.  They started taking the religious books that the Tea people read and only using certain portions of those books out of context to justify the slavery of the Cklan people who were imported from the Sunny land to the Beautiful Land to make their slaves hate the Tea people.

Now many of the Cklab people who lived in the Beautiful Land after a certain point in time had ancestors who were Ash Key Nagis and Dim Shepherds because Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherd slave masters would have offspring with their Cklab slaves but none the less the Circle people did not acknowledge the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherd ancestry of the Cklab people living in the Beautiful Land.

Even though the Shepherd Dim and the Ash Key Nagi looked like the Shining people outwardly according to the Circle people they were a different race than the Shining people even though Circle people who were descendants of Laeris had offspring with Shining people who converted to the Circle religion and the Circle people had more percent ancestry from Shining people than from people from the Middle Land by this point in time.

They convinced their Cklab slaves that the Shining people enslaved them and not the Ash Key Nagi and Dim Shepherds which they claimed were different races even though the Dim Shepard Circle people and Ash Key Nagi Circle people were primarily of Shining people ancestry by this time

They even convinced many Shining people whose ancestors immigrated to the Beautiful Lands that Shining people who practiced the Tea religion enslaved the Cklab people and used this to trick the Shining people whose ancestors practiced the Tea religion into exterminating themselves and into being slaves of the Circle people through a series of government, corporate, media, banking and religious programs or policies all controlled by the Circle people all in order to allegedly help out the Cklab people who the Shining people falsely believed were the victims of the Shining people's ancestors and even victims of contemporary Shining people living during the time of the programs or policies who do not go far enough to help the Cklab people.  Not even the Tea religious congregations were safe as people of the Circle religion would pretend to practice the Tea religion and get teaching positions in Tea religion congregations and Tea religion "universities" which they would use to teach people trying to practice the Tea religion lies.  They would also bribe so called religious teachers of the Tea religion whose parents were not Circle people to teach lies.  The Tea religion clergy would foolishly think they could understand the Tea religion better by going to Tea religion "universities" which were run by the Circle people.

After the Cklab people were officially freed from slavery by the sacrifice of many Shining people of the Tea religion the Circle people set up a series of programs to keep Cklab people ignorant of mathematics and thus of real economics maintaining them as part of a perpetual cycle of poverty with the only claimed solution being to participate in various programs controlled by the Circle people to make them at economic war with the Shining people whose ancestors practiced the Tea religion as part of a system to exterminate all people who practiced the Tea religion and to enslave all people who were not Ash Key Nagis nor Dim Shepherds.

Fadol Lither managed Yergamany which was located in the Land of Cold and Darkness.  Fadol Lither was an Ash Key Nagi but unlike most other Ash Key Nagi he practiced the Tea religion instead of the Circle religion.  The Circle people started an economic war against Shining people in Yergamany so Fadol Lither tried to deport the Circle people as a means of defending the Shining people living in the nation of Yergamany even though Fadol Lither was of the Ashkenazi race and not the Shining race according to the Circle religion which claims that they are a different race than the Shining people.  Why did Fadol Lither try to defend people from another race then his own?  Because Fadol Lither believed people should be judged by the content of their character and not by their race which is why he chose not to practice the Circle religion even though he was of Ash Key Nagi ancestry according to the Circle religion.

The Ash Key Nagi who lived outside Yergamany decided to bomb the food supply railroads to Yergamany and killed their own Ash Key Nagi people living in that region so that people would blame Fadol Lither and the Shining people and the Tea people would suffer eternal guilt and willingly become slaves of the Circle people to prevent any Circle people from ever having died at the hands of the Shining people or the Tea people again.  

For they claimed Fadol Lither was a Shining person and a Tea person and that he caused the death of Circle people and Ash Key Nagi people and Dim Shepherd people out of hatred for those groups of people that are inherent in all Shining people and all Tea people and descendants of Tea people from the moment they are conceived and the moment they are born and continue throughout their entire lifespan.  The Circle people claimed this hatred that is inherent in Shining people and Tea people and descendants of Tea people is only able to be held at bay through proper education and strict use of draconian policies but never can be completely cured in Shining people or descendants of Tea people.  The only way according to Circle people to prevent Shining people from acting on this hatred to mass murder other people is through draconian policies that enslave them and make Circle people their masters.  The Circle people claim that slavery can help prevent descendants of Tea people from committing mass murder of other people groups but according to the Circle people not even slavery can prevent people who have chosen to practice the Tea religion from mass murdering other people groups and the only way to prevent this is to execute every single practitioner of the Tea religion in the whole world.  And they were able to successfully convince other people of this lie after they framed Fadol Lither of the murder of Ash Key Nagi people and Circle people that was actually caused by people blindly following the orders of other Circle people who started the war.

The Circle people claimed they needed their own country which was their ancestral homeland to prevent any further deaths of Circle people, even though it was the Circle people who starved the other Circle people to death by tricking the Shining people from countries outside Yergamany into bombing the Yergamany food supply railroads as a part of a war that the Circle people started.  To further make this claim laughably ridiculous the Circle people already secretly covertly managed every country in the whole world by this time so it was not the Circle people who needed their own country to be safe from everyone else but everyone else who needed their own country to be safe from the Circle people.  But covertly managing countries was not good enough for them because they wanted to brazenly and openly and officially manage a country of their own right in front of everyone elses' face.

The Circle people then invaded the Middle Lands where the Palisade people who practiced the Tea religion and religion of Peace lived.  They claimed the Circle people have a right to this land because they have ancestry to Laeris even though the Palisade people had a much greater percent ancestry from Laeris.  Previous to this invasion the Shiining Tea people "officially" managed the section of the Middle Land that is now called Laeris.  While Laeris was "officially" under Shining Tea people management the Circle people, the Tea people, the Peace people, the Palisade people, the Shining people, the Cklab people, the Ash Key Nagi people and the Dim Shepherd people got peacefully non violently along in spite of being constantly scammed by Circle people who they did not use physical force to retaliate against.  Although "officially" the region was run by Shining Tea people it was run by them in name only as the Circle people really ruled it unofficially but this was not good enough for them because it was too hard to justify violence against everyone who is not a Circle person without the Circle people being able to claim official ownership of the land and being allowed to call the rightful inhabitants trespassers.

The Circle people started tricking people from the Land of Cold and Darkness and the Beautiful Lands to send Laeris lots and lots of money and weapons and material goods to manage their new country in Laeris and called the Tea people and the Peace people and the Palisade people and the Cklab people and the Shining people living in Laeris all terrorists trying to exterminate the Circle people when really it was the other way around and the Circle people started exterminating some of them and enslaving the rest of them who lived there.

After starting many wars in the middle land surrounding the land of Laeris,
they next started a war in the land of Zhakaria where so many shining people first converted to become circle people as Zhakaria was the true homeland of the Ash Key Nagi circle people and not the land of Laeris in terms of their primary ancestry although they had a negligible amount of ancestry from Laeris

Around this time the Circle people created a contagion of incorrect information.  They started blaming incorrect information for the cause of most of life's problems and most deaths which was surely true because the circle people were spreading the incorrect information which tricked the rest of the world to enslaving themselves to the Circle people and to eliminating themselves instead of defending themselves from the Circle people.  But they used the very claim of incorrect information as an excuse to sensor truthful information so much that words could not even be spelled correctly because the sensors would sensor them.  Meanwhile claiming that the information that really was incorrect was actually false was considered a form of spreading incorrect information

The circle people claimed it was incorrect information that caused 6.66 times ten to the sixth power of them to die and thus they had to sensor incorrect information to prevent their own extermination when really they were sensoring correct information to perpetuate the enslavement and extermination of other people.

Now not all Ash Key Nagis and Dim Shepherds were behind this but those who opposed this were punished by the Circle people who were behind this.  Some people had parents who practiced the Circle religion but did not know the harm they did to all the rest of the world and just went along destroying the world with acting on their incorrectly informed good intentions.  Such people when they found out the truth abandoned the Circle religion so that they would no longer cause harm by acting as though the lies that the Circle religion spread were actually true.  Many people however although claiming to not follow the Circle religion and to only have been raised by parents who taught it to them, continued to believe many of the lies their parents taught them and effectively practiced the Circle religion without knowing it having learned to hate all Shining people and Peace people and Tea people believing they were primarily to blame for all the world problems more than any other people group.  This subset of Circle people abandoned some of the silly rituals and thus incorrectly thought they abandoned the Circle religion.  When in actuality the rituals were of much less importance to the Circle religion than the hatred in the heart against Tea people and the Peace people and Shining people.  Only those people raised in the Circle religion who abandoned the attitude of hatred in their heart against Tea People, and Peace People and Shining people could truly abandon the hateful Circle religion in practice.  Fadol Lither was such a Ash Key Nagi, an Ash Key Nagi who truly abandoned the hate of others in his heart and so refused to practice the Circle religion.  Many people mistakenly thought he hated the Ash Key Nagi people but he was an Ash Key Nagi, he simply targeted other Ash Key Nagi because he was trying to find Ash Key Nagi who pretended to abandon the Circle religion but continued to practice it in their hearts through hateful plans to enslave or exterminate all Shining people and to exterminate all tea people.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Part 1 Brain Control Parasites vs Bugs and Humans



Brain Control Parasites versus Bugs and Humans Part 1

There was a child named Gill Bates who went to a private super villain school for future tyrants and dictators.  Now there were two primary types of students.  There were students with rich politically connected parents who were already super villains such as government officials, high level bankers, corporate officials and corrupt clergy.  Then there were students whose parents could not afford the school but get their tuition paid for in reward for the parents and children obeying the students with rich parents who would pay the other students tuition.

Gill Bates was a physically and mentally weak man due to his laziness.  How would such a lazy man get by in such a difficult school?  Easy, he would pay other students to be a part of his gang who could beat up people who were much stronger, smarter and more hard working than him.  Gill Bates had the richest parents of anyone in the school and therefore the best gang or so it seemed.

Gill Bates would enjoy using his power to make other people suffer and make them eat bugs.  But one day a student stood up to him and said, "No, I will not do it even if you hire an entire gang to beat me up."  

Gill Bates ordered them to circle around him and beat him up and they would have easily won in a group fight against a single person but he managed to slip out and put obstacles between himself and the crowd then get into a narrow space between a tall wooden fence and a building so that people could not surround him.  This was a very risky move but fortunately Gill Bates' bodyguards did not think the solution through and instead tried to slide through one at a time to fight him and he broke their elbows and knees, kicked them in the groin and hit them so hard in the head they got knocked out.  They then decided to keep some people where they were and have other people circle around to close off the other exit but he heard their plan and ran out the other exit before they could circle around the building to get through to him.  They chased after him but he deliberately ran into traffic barely missing getting hit by cars while the other students either had to stop chasing him or got into accidents.  Gill Bates then picked up his phone and made a call.  This student was picked up in a van by adults with guns and was never seen again.  But unfortunately for Gill Bates people thought the student got away with it.  

Now these rich parents of the students went on exhibitions for research and fun to exotic lands as tourists, visitors, explorers, anthropologists, archeologists, entomologists and linguists.  One of the places they visited had a tribe of people who would eat exotic arthropods or bugs never seen anywhere else in the world before.  

Some people claimed they ate such a diet because they were technologically poor due to racist imperialist colonists invading their lands.  But that could never explain why their technology was not as good as the imperialist colonists leading to the victory of the imperialist colonists.  It was claimed that they used to have an advanced agricultural and military society with impressive pyramid temples which had golden items used in elaborate religious rituals involving human sacrifices to prevent the end of the world.  Even though they built magnificent buildings and were able to produce vast amounts of food in their ancient past, they were now eating bugs in a jungle nearby the location of the old temple.

Even though these exotic bugs were never seen anywhere else in the world, they existed in massive numbers in this community that essentially farmed them as a primary food supply or at least as the only food supply the explorers saw them eat.  Oddly enough they would hunt other animals and then feed them to these exotic bugs only to later eat the bugs instead of eating the animals directly. Large piles of human skeletons were found in the jungle and the rich parents assumed they did not have an underground graveyard and had to put the deceased people somewhere but gold items were found near the bones similar to the gold items used in temple rituals.

The rich parents were given some of the bugs as a gift.  Originally they offered to feed them the bugs but they declined.  When asked why they do not eat the animals they are feeding to the bugs, the tribe's people said the bugs were more nutritious and delicious and that they had special medicinal properties.  They said if you will not eat the bugs here then you should at least take them as a sign of our friendship and start a bug farm in your own land so you can use them for medicine, after all it is better to take live bugs and farm then to have a one time meal and never eat them again, especially since the medicine could help more people that way and since the medicine does not take full effect until after many meals.

One of the entomologist's parents took them with him and put some of them on a display in a glass terrarium in the school which looked like an aquarium but with dirt on the bottom instead of being full of water.  They happened to occur the day after the incident.  During recess the students upon seeing what happened yesterday decided to get back at Gill Bates for making them eat bugs and took some of the bugs in the terrarium and forced Gill Bates to eat them.

The Monkey who Saved the World from Nuclear War


The Monkey who saved the World from Nuclear War

There once was a man who had a very bad mother.  His mother just had him around so she could get a welfare check.  She was supposed to get money to buy him food but gave him expired food that factories were giving away.and kept the money to spend on herself instead of buying him healthy food before the expiration date.

When he was old enough that the welfare check decreased but not yet an adult his mother sent him to his grandmother. because she could not get as much of a welfare check from him even though he dutifully obeyed her and babysat the other children she had with other fathers and provided valuable services to her before she kicked him out.

When he turned 18 he joined the navy to fight terrorists and protect American freedom.  He worked in military intelligence and was sent into the desert even though he was in the Navy which was supposed to do stuff on water.

Even though he saw people die in the Navy and nearly died himself it was less traumatic to him then how his mom abandoned him.  He got an economics degree and worked in a government office after completing his military service.

In order to prevent terrorist attacks on the building from a bomb inside a vehicle.  The parking lot was a very far distance from the building he worked in.  He would arrive early to the building in order to park as close as possible before the other parking spots fill, then get all his work done early before the supervisors arrive.

When the supervisors arrived it would look like he was doing nothing because he already got all the work done for the day and he nearly got fired.  But when they reviewed his work it was shown that he completed more work every single other employee individually did in his entire division.

He was not rewarded for this however and told that he needs to be working when the supervisors are watching.  He learned that other employees arrive early then go to sleep in the office until right before the supervisor's show up then start their work for the day so that they would do the work when the supervisor is watching.  He quit the work and started his own business doing financial planning assistance to clients on his own time.

During his life he dated many women.  Every single one was evil.  At first he thought it was his own fault and tried to fix himself.  But eventually he realized it was their fault.

He became so traumatized that he started to wear a monkey costume and play with dolls.  He started to do podcasts while wearing a monkey costume explaining how women manipulate men into manipulating other men to the harm of society.  Or how men betray other men to try to become popular with women resulting in women being able to control men through the violence of men who are willing to betray other men to try to be popular with women.

Although he was a total loser in the eyes of mainstream society and every one mocked him saying who hurt you, he saved the world.

What happened was Spiz Rail wanted to defeat his home country and start a Nuclear war.  Spiz Rail had convinced his home country to give weapons of mass destruction to a country on the border of Rue Rue.  They said technically this was not engaging in war against Rue Rue, but Rue Rue started attacking the country that borders it to defend itself and winning.  But the more Rue Rue won and the more his home country lost in the border wars the harder his home country pushed back and people in the President's Cabinet started suggesting nuclear war could be survivable.

Now the Monkey thought this made no sense, why would someone be so suicidal as to do this.  The Monkey then realised that more than one half of the president of his home country's entire cabinet all considered Spiz Rail to be their homeland first before the country they claimed to represent.  He realized Spiz Rail was trying to destroy his home country and actually wanted nuclear war with the plan of being the only country left in the world.  People from Spiz Rail have invaded all other countries in the world in government positions and always put Spiz Rail first before their own country's well being.

He realized they did not fear destroying their own country that they live in through mutually assured destruction in a nuclear war but actually intended to create such an event destroying all countries but Spiz Rail.  But he realised since they put the well being of Spiz Rail even before the country they live in, the only way to get them not to destroy the world with nukes was to get them to fear they might accidentally destroy their beloved Spiz Rail in their attempt to destroy all the other countries in the world.

He changed the focus of his podcasts and explained the only way to save the world from nuclear war.

Spitz Rail had lots and lots of weapons of mass destruction including nukes.  But was always trying to get people to destroy the little country of Rina claiming that they must be destroyed to prevent them from building weapons of mass destruction like nukes and must not be allowed to have nuclear power plants or nuclear medicine.  Spitz Rail claimed they feared little Rina would nuke them if they had nukes even though Spitz Rail was always threatening to nuke little Rina.

The monkey said the only way for Rue Rue to prevent nuclear war is to threaten to give Rina nuclear weapons technology which technically is not an act of war if the Monkey's home country giving the country that borders Rue Rue weapons of mass destruction is not an act of war.

By threatening to give the country of Rina nuclear arms if world war 3 is not cancelled, this could get other countries that do not fear their own destruction but want to avoid the destruction of Spiz Rail reason to call off their war to protect Spiz Rail even though they wanted to destroy the countries they govern.

Dan Sing Spiz Rail


Dan Sing Spiz Rail

On one fateful day in November 9 in the country with the most powerful military in the world the following happened.

A building was rigged for demolition but before that day of demolition all of the employees were told to sign non-disclosure agreements and told not to show up to work that day.  Those who did not sign the non disclosure agreements were fired officially for other reasons but unofficially because they would not sign the non disclosure agreements.  What were they told not to disclose?  Their work hours were added in as an extra detail in addition to the usual provisions in a non disclosure agreement.  They were told that disclosing their work hours to anyone who is outside the corporation they work for was a security risk because people could use knowledge of who is stationed to do work at what time and where to exploit security.  

Those who would not sign it were not hired or were fired as a security risk.  Now these agreements did not list the date of November 9 or any specific date but only an agreement not to list their work hours because if someone refused to sign the agreement they could mention that the date of November 9 is in a copy of the agreement they refused to sign.  However after the agreements were later signed all the employees were told the building is closed on November 9 for remodeling and that they are not permitted to enter the building that day or they will be fired and that they will be given paid vacation on November 9 and that according to the provisions in the non disclosure agreement they are not allowed to tell anyone outside the corporation they work for that they have the day off or that the building is being remodeled that day.

With no one there on November 9 except the demolition team the building was set up for demolition just like when you demolish an old building to tear it down so you can later replace it with a new building.  But that is not what people watching the TV would believe.

Although they could have used a drone plane with no passengers it was much cheaper for the news channels to use a computer generated image of a plane.  All the people present in the city of Zoo Gork near that building where this event happened did not actually see or hear a plane,  But those watching the television saw a computer generated image of a plane hit the building.

They then had actors who pretended to see that the building was hit by a plane.

In the original plans they debated if it was better to install smoke machines on the higher levels of the building or simply use computer generated images of smoke and whether or not the top part of the building should be set on fire before the explosive demolitions were set off.  They also debated whether a manequim should be launched out of the building by a set up created by an art team or if it is better to have computer generated images of humans jumping out of the building.

Whatever the planning committee finally decided on, people saw smoke coming out of the building and what looked like a person jumping out of the building on TV before the building came down.

Many people watching the television thought the building collapse was unusual since the news agency over the coming days intentionally created outlandish claims about technology never confirmed to exist that might very well be science fiction technology bringing down the buildings but the people who made these claims were actors or were other people who heard the actors sincerely believed them and repeated their claims.  But the real explanation was well within human ability and happens every time a building is demolished because it is condemned or in order to construct a new building only people did not realise it because of the fake actors outlandish theories or because they believed they saw a plane hit the building while watching the news.

Nobody actually died in the event because people were warned the building would collapse and were told to evacuate the area near the building by a combination of special actors posing as police and possibly also real police who were misinformed that the building was hit by a plane and who were trying to keep the public away from that region.  Once enough time had passed and enough people were cleared away, Lucky Harry Gold Stein said to pull the building down and then it collapsed.  Lucky Harry Gold Stein got a large amount of insurance money for the building even though it was destroyed in demolition which normally does not pay insurance because its cause of destruction was listed as something else in the news.

Now there were many actors on both secular and Church organizations' news channels that said they survived the building or evacuated the building or helped people evacuate the building in rescue missions or lost relatives in the building.  A special fund was used to pay actors who pretended to lose relatives in the building and to pay confused people who believed they lost relatives in the building but did not realise they were missing due to other causes.  Of course if they ever did find the person and admitted they found the relative they thought they lost in the building they could be told mistakes happen and be allowed to keep the money unless they said the event was a hoax in which case they would be told that if they thought the event was a hoax and nobody died then they were trying to defraud the government by claiming someone died there in that event when they knew did not.  When they were given this threat they changed the story and never brought up the idea of a hoax again or the person who collected the money then realised it was a hoax later when they found their relative alive simply disappeared.  Now many people who mistakenly believed they lost their relatives in the event in the building unknowingly became paid actors as long as they never found their lost relative, and this was very common because Zoo Gork is such a big city.  Of course some might have simply lied about losing their relative to get in on the money and thought they could trick the government into giving them money but actually they were tricked because the government knew they never lost their relatives but were paying them to testify that they did without their knowledge that they were intentionally being paid by the government as actors when they thought they were scamming the government.

People thought it must be real because of the firefighters when actually there were simply actors dressed up as firefighters.  Now some real firefighters did search the building for survivors because they did not know better and were tricked by the actors and although no one died in the collapse of the building these firefighters had their lungs damaged searching the collapsed ruins for people.  But many actors who played fire fighters pretended to have lung damage and got paid for acting in a compensation fund for lung damaged fire fighters that way.

Some of this did not even have to be paid by the government as people would raise charitable funds to help these people not knowing that most of them were actors.

Now the news organizations blamed Mud Slime people for the event and said that Mud Slime people hate Spiz Rail the greatest ally to their country and that they need to go to war against Mud Slime countries to protect their country and the nation of Spiz Rail from the Mud Slime people.

There was one problem with this however.  And people who know Spiz Rail was behind it debate if Spiz Rail intentionally let people know or if this was a rogue newscaster.

There was a man named Clark Camera Run who did a documentary on Danseurs from Spiz Rail

There was a woman who either really believed that the building was attacked by terrible people and not demolished or who was an actor pretending to believe as such

This woman saw immigrants from Spiz Rail who were Danseurs Dan Sing on a roof celebrating and calling the police.  The police captured these people and found evidence of their foreknowledge of the event.  But were forced to let them go because they were from Spiz Rail and were not Mud Slime people.

At least that is how Clark Camera Run's story went on Faux news which he allegedly later got fired from.  Faux news later pretended to have never ever played the story but unfortunately for them some people recorded it even though they removed it from their  news archive which was available to the public.

In Spiz Rail there was a secret meeting that led to the Danseurs Dan Sing and jubilation.  Here is a summary of the plan in the meeting.

We should blow up a building in the militarily most powerful nation of the world and then blame the Mud Slimes to start a war between the Mud Slime nations and the militarily most powerful nation in the world.  We can then use the news media we own and the puppet President we control to claim they should start a war looking for weapons of mass destruction in their country.  The people will not know any better even though Spiz Rail, the economically most powerful nation in the world, already has lots of weapons of mass destruction because they will simply not mention that in the news and we will use the news to call anyone who points out this hypocrisy to be prejudice against our race and our religion.  Meanwhile we can slander the Mud Slime race and religion accusing them of doing all the things that we are guilty of and people will believe it because they watch the news.  We already own all the major Churches and can use them in addition to the news to get people to worship people of our race and worship people of our religion and to slander anyone who says our people should not be worshipped as disobeying their god who we love to mock behind their backs.  We can also use their Churches to slander the Mud Slime people and anyone who denies the slander will be accused of wanting to exterminate our race and our religion and of disobeying the god preached in their Churches, meanwhile we will use their Churches to promote the extermination of the Mud Slime people and all other races and religions than our own and eventually when they have eliminated the Mud Slime people and all other races and religions than our own we will convince the Church goers to commit suicide by using their Pastors who are our agents and then we will be the only Race and Religion left on the earthly realm except some of them who are the most blindly loyal to use who we shall leave behind as slaves who think they are blessed by god for blindly obeying us.  We will use some prisoners to drink their blood and harvest their organs.

The wife who cracked Mo Sephenias code


Mo Sephenia's code and The Forbidden Marriage

The wife who cracked Mo Sephenias code

Samsonitus lived in the country of Icerailia which ironically was a desert instead of a land full of ice.

Generations ago a woman named Mo Sephenia gave a list of laws that everyone in Icerailia was supposed to obey which all the people who heard the laws at the time agreed to obey.  But later generations tended to only hear the general concepts of the law in a form that is an incomplete and imperfect copy through traveling lawyer priests and by word of mouth from neighbor to neighbor.  

It is not that the laws were not preserved perfectly in written form but most people could not read and write and written copies of the original legal agreement between Mo Sephenia and the people originally present before her were rare and hard to come by and the law was too long for most people to memorize completely and perfectly with the large amount of time they had to devote to agricultural labor just to get enough food to stay alive from one year to the next.  

To make matters worse some of the people of Iceralia were greedy hedonistic merchants who did not even care to hear the law from traveling lawyer priests or from neighbor to neighbor, because it would go against their hedonistic lifestyle and listening to it would take time away from their dishonest sales and crooked lending endeavors and would interfere with the profit they made out of illegally kidnapping and selling innocent victims who broke no laws worthy of being captured and sold into slavery.  It is not that all merchants are dishonest, but a higher percentage of Iceralia's merchants were dishonest than merchants of other countries.

Samsonitus lived next door to a man named Nabal.

Nabal had sisters and aunts and women first cousins but no uncles or brothers or male first cousins and Nabal's father and grandfather were dead.  Nabal's only wife was named Nancy.  Nabal and Nancy had only one son named Alexander and Nancy was pregnant but had not given birth to a daughter yet.

Samsonitus was unmarried and had a brother named Samuel who was living with him.  Samuel was married to only one woman who was named Sinderlina and had no children with her.

Now Nabal was a drunkard who wanted to party like a dishonest merchant instead of working hard for an honest living like the farmers of Iceralia.  

Nancy was begging Nabal to use their Ox to do farming work so that they could have food later instead of selling their Ox for more wine and continuing to get drunk and not do any farming work or other labour to put food on the table in the long run once the wine runs out.

Nabal the drunk said, "This is the last straw Nancy!  I divorce you!  And I tell you what I think of you and your ox.  I think your Ox would be happier if he had a little less whining from you and a little more wine to drink from me."

He proceeded to try to take an open wine bottle and stick it in the Oxes mouth to try to make it drink the wine.  Whatever he actually ended up doing Nabal made the Ox so mad that it gored him to death.

The Ox then proceeded to run mad and Gored innocent Samuel to death and almost killed Alexander and Nancy only for Samsonitus to snatch them out of harm's reach.

Somehow Samsonitus managed to calm the Ox down after this, preventing it from killing any more people or merchants.

Nancy quickly went into labor after this and gave birth to a daughter who she named Anna

Now the widow Sinderlina and the divorcee or widow Nancy had a discussion about what to do now that their husbands were dead or in Nancy's case more technically now that her ex husband was dead.  Since Sinderlina was so emotionally supportive of Nancy throughout all the many years of Nabal's drunkenness, Nancy did not want to depart far away from Sinderlina to marry another man and they both liked Samsonitus who was strong and supportive.

So they mutually agreed to ask Samsonitus if he would be willing to marry both of them together.  Samsonitus agreed.

Samsonitus was 18 years old, Sinderlina was 27 years old and Nancy was 36 years old when they got married

When Anna turned 18 years old, Samsonitus was 36 years old, Sinderlina was 45 years old and Nancy was 54 years old

On her 18th birthday Anna went to talk to her mother Nancy

Anna said, "Nancy there is something I want to ask your advice on but I am afraid if I ask your advice you will be angry.  But if I just do it without asking your advice you will be even more angry.  So I could just not do it at all but then I think I would be disappointed for the rest of my life, for having missed an opportunity to do something that is really important to me because I am afraid it might make you angry even if there is a chance it might not make you angry at all.  Can you promise not to hold it against me for asking permission to do something, if I promise not to do it if you do not want me to?"

Nancy said, "You seem to really be concerned about my feelings and not out to cause me harm since you are willing to deny doing whatever you want to do for my sake.  Whatever problem I might want to avoid can be avoided if I tell you not to do it, and whatever benefit you get can still be achieved without a problem of significant concern to me if I feel it is an idea so good I can approve of it.  No harm can be done by a bad idea that you choose not to act on and benefit can come from a good idea that you choose to act on.  If you keep silent you might not be able to know if the idea is good or bad.  But if you talk we can evaluate together if the idea is good or bad.  Plus you are my daughter and I love you and want what is best for you so tell me please."

Anna said, "I do not want to take him away from you by being a third wife, and I do not know if it is proper or incest on account of you being my mother, but I would like if you are ok with it and only if you are ok with it to marry your husband Samsonitus and be his third wife."

Anna said, "Not only have you not upset me, but my heart is overflowing with joy.  Even though I wanted you to experience the bliss of marriage, I always dreaded the idea that one day you would marry a man far away and I would never see you again.  If you marry my husband we will always be together as long as all three of us shall live.  If you want to marry my husband I would prefer that you marry him over any other man in the whole world so that I can be together with you.  And since Samsonitus is not your biological father but Nabal is it would not result in deformities.  And I am sure the whole reason it was forbidden for a father to marry his biological daughter and other incest regulations given by Mo Sephenia was to prevent deformities.  But he is not your biological father so as far as I am concerned it is not incest for you to marry him from a biological point of view.  I do not remember any law forbidding a man from marrying a woman and her daughter as long as neither of them are a biological relative of the man."

So Samsonitus married his third wife.

36 year old Samsonitus was now married to 18 year old Anna, 45 year old Sinderlina and 54 year old Nancy.  Some people might complain about how Samsonitus was too much older than Anna but Anna was of legal age and Samsonitus was no more older than Anna than Nancy was older than Samsonitus. Nancy pointed out to Anna that if she liked Samsonitus the age gap was perfectly fine just as it was ok for her to marry Samsonitus with an equal age gap.

One month later a lawyer priest came by the house and read some of the laws of  Mo Sepehenia.  He did this because his job was to go from house to house and community to community and read the laws of Mo Sepehenia to any people who wanted to hear them because not everyone could read and written material was difficult to make during that time period so even if someone could read they did not necessarily have a copy of the laws.  

The priest read a law that, "If a man marries a woman and her daughter all three of them are to be executed and if they are pregnant they are not to be spared until they give birth but still executed immediately."

They asked, "What if the man who marries the woman's daughter is not the biological father of her daughter?"

The priest said, "There is a law to execute a man who marries his daughter along with his daughter that he marries and they would not have violated that specific law in such a case, but the law against marrying a woman and her daughter is a completely different law that such a marital group would be executed for violating."

Then the priest said, "Why do you ask?  Do you have anyone you would like to report who is guilty of such an offense who we should put to trial and execute if found guilty."

They said, "We do not know of anyone who we would like to report.  We do believe it is important however to know the law with absolute precision to warn people to prevent such an occurrence by accident if they wanted to do so but did not know it was illegal.  And we wanted to clarify in case someone in our neighborhood wants to do so in the future or in case there might be any other reasons why it might be important to know."

The priest replied, "I wish everyone else I visited to teach were as enthusiastic about knowing the finer points of the law as you all are.  If you do not mind I would like to stay here a few more nights and I can read the whole law to you in entirety since you are worthy to hear it all, truly desiring to listen with more sincerity than anyone else I have ever shared the law with before."

They said, "We will make a place for you to stay overnight and cook you a meal."

They then prepared him a meal and a place to sleep.  After the Priest went to sleep they left the house never to return again fleeing to the far away country of Hindistania to the east, where they lived together as a family outside the jurisdiction of Icerailia happily ever after.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

list of blogs

List of Fiction Stories


The Monkey who Saved the World from Nuclear War


Dan Sing Spiz Rail


Mo Sephenia's code and The Forbidden Marriage

The wife who cracked Mo Sephenias code


Brain Control Parasites versus Bugs and Humans Part 1

Part 1 Brain Control Parasites vs Bugs and Humans (


Man Living in a Grocery Store


Shortcut Sam


Body Swap Weight Loss



Man Living in a Grocery Store


Man Living in a Grocery Store

There was a large grocery store in Joe's neighborhood that opened no earlier than 6 AM and closed no later than 10 PM depending on the day of the week.  As it approached 10 PM they would end what used to be the standard checkout with a cashier, bagger and conveyor built meanwhile they would intentionally start to close down the self check out computers one at a time instead of all at once after the store closes.  Then the staff would complain about people taking too long to check out groceries when the people formed a long line.  But it was the staff and or managements fault since the customers would not have formed  a long line if the staff waited until the store officially closed to turn off the self checkout computers.

Now Joe would sometimes walk in the middle of the night at 2 or 3 AM long before the store opens or closes and through the glass window Joe would see a man in the store eating food all by himself while sitting on a chair by a lunch table.  Joe wondered if a very smart man who was poor, homeless or cheap and does not fear the law found a way to stay in the store at night and eat the store food.  Was the staff still working in the night to load groceries in the store and it was his lunch break?  If so, why was he sometimes the only person there? How horrible it would be if he forgot to pack his lunch and he was surrounded by groceries but could not eat any or be arrested or fired.  Of course he could just buy groceries with the self checkout except they were closing them all one by one before Joe left.

Dinosaur Museum Adventure

Dinosaur Museum Adventure Fiction Billy was going on a guided a tour of a museum to look at dinosaurs There was a animatronic dinosaur in fr...